CHAPTER 14: The Conference of Gods

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Once the Great king had finally made his cry, merely days after the disappearance of Life's power, every God in the realm heard his call. A cacophony of great ambiance in the air caused them to race to the enormous chapel, in which for them to meet. The final meeting of the Gods had been called. The God of the Skies, though the King, could not search for his beloved Wife alone. If what he thought was true, there would not be a happy ending to this tragic tale at all, and he would make sure of it.

The God of the sky was naturally the King of the Gods, crowned by his Father, his first born, and the God of Magic. Magic had died a long time ago, hence the fading of the King's Father, and magic of the mortal realm. Though the King may not be as powerful as other Gods such as Life and Death, he was merely there to maintain a balance for the sake of both Immortals and mortals.

His father created them all. They were all merely creations.

Losing the last bit of what he had, he slammed his fist on the grand table, and clenched his teeth in both sorrow and rage. He was unable to cry tears any longer, for his eyes were still dry from losing both of his children.
One, a terrible sickness.
The other, the first suicide of a God, years after his sister's Death.

He couldn't bear to lose his ex-wife as well, for his feelings still lingered for her, and he yearned for her smile once more.

Upon hearing the slam of his fist, his advisor walked calmly; slowly and stood next to the sickly King in a worried, yet content complexion. He was the eldest of all the Gods, the God of Wisdom. He was the first God, next to the God of Magic. Gods would come from many realms around the universe to come seek advice and judgement upon the old God's experience.

"If I may," He said, quietly and delicately. His voice quivered from the strain of using his vocal chords. "I would advise for you to settle, my King." He said, only glancing at the powerful God. "It would be quite embarrassing to be this emotional when the rest do arrive." The old Turtle was just barely was the size of the great King when he sat down, he was the shortest of Gods by far.

"Gerson." The King wined, as if he were just a mere child, heartbroken and anguished. "There will be War." He said, the anger quickly flooding back into his veins, fueling him with rage and destruction. His capabilities were far beyond what anyone could have ever imagined, and upon him being this enraged, his compelling nature was certain to fall to chaos.

Gerson always had looked for the King's health first, ever since his children had died such tragic deaths. However, he had known immediately once Life's essence had vanished, that she had not just faded away— there was too much of a power vacuum and an imbalance for her to die naturally.

His hesitance of telling his superior was merely for the King's sake, nevertheless, he could not keep such a grave secret, as his advisor.

Something had happened to Life. They had all knew that sad truth, but the question was, what?

Though she could have died, there was in fact a faint source of her power lingering in the air, keeping the balance from going completely haywire as a whole, and keeping hope that she was still alive.

And if that was the case, where was she? Was she in danger? There was no immortal host to hold her power to be reborn, upon both children of the King dying.

The tortured God sat upon his throne, distressed and sickly as he waited for the remainder of the Gods upon arrival. "If we were to just access the situation at hand! I advise—." Gerson tried to sway the King, however, he should have been the one God to know that that would have never happened. He was far too emotional.

"I advise," The King said darkly, as if he were on the edge of corruption. "That you stop talking..." his words slithered and hissed out from his teeth, warning the old God next to him. "Old friend." He said, his eyes told of a tragic story, full of despair and rage as he looked his advisor in the eyes. His old, peaceful eyes suddenly filled with a slight hint of fear, as if he were actually afraid of the shortened life span the King could in fact gift to him at this moment in time.

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