CHAPTER 38: The girl

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I began to sit still in the large bed in silence. Left here, drowning in my own thoughts, I couldn't begin to believe the strange man that Sans would so such a thing to someone. I had been stranded inside of the ocean of my mind; pleading for a hand to take my own.

The twisted feeling in my gut warped around my mind, as doubt began to mislead my imagination. The dull expression on my face could easily describe the painful guilt that I faced whilst suffocating within the riches around me. Misconception lead my thoughts around logic, evading it gracefully much to my displeasure.

Although that man remained a stranger to me, I did not know Sans quite well either. His mysterious backstory and relations to these 'people' remained an enigma to my mind. The inner mechanisms of my turning belief suddenly halted, for I could no longer process what was a dream and what was reality.

I only wished to wake up inside of my bed. To wake up to the sound of my mother's calling for breakfast and my father's scent of morning coffee. I could only wonder if mother and father were worried about my wellbeing. Did they know about the hospitalization?  Would they condemn me for my actions?

The tears began to well inside of my glossy eyes. They began to puff as my body began to shake in fear of what had become of my life. All I had wanted was for everything to go back to normal, back before I had taken that bath. I never knew what would have happened. I was a naïve idiot. Displeasuring thoughts consumed my rational thinking as I began to think of this situation as my own fault. My pitiful stupor only exhausted my will to stay strong and look forward, as if something in my heart told me to just give up. How easy it would be if it all just ended within a moment of silence.

But most importantly, the one thing that resided on my mind consistently was the thought of forgetting Sans. As much as I wanted the normal childhood of these few months back, I could not imagine to forget the friend I had been acquainted with so long ago. Curling my knees into my chest, I burrowed the despairing face into my legs, holding them tight. Hugging them reminded me of my mother. The nostalgia of her arms draped around me; reassuring to me it would be okay. In a way, it made my heart-drenching thoughts quiet down a bit; just to the point where I could hear my rational mind think again.

I could imagine her warm heart close to mine, never to leave her only child alone. She would help carry my sorrows until I was strong enough to carry them myself; the burden of a mother.

"And yet, where is she now?" A young voice called from beside me. It resembled much of the voice of a child; a young girl with fallacious lies. "A mother always leaves in the end; the so-called love of an eternal life."

Quickly turning my head around, I came into close contact with a young girl, appearing about 8. Her hair, resting on her shoulders seemed almost too unreal for the other Gods I had encountered. A black dress hung just above her knees. She seemed human, yet there was an unnatural aura surrounding her; I couldn't quite place my finger on it. "Who are you?" I asked to the girl.

Her head rested on the bed next to my fetal form, her temple on top of her forearm. I quickly wondered how she got inside of the room without adverting my attention towards the door. I only blamed it on the boisterous thoughts of my trembling words. "How peculiar." She giggled, her smile widened. "A human in the realm of the Gods." Despite the youthfulness of her face, her intellectuality resembled the mind of someone much older than her. She had been graced with the wisdom of many years before her, creating a glint of deception within her eyes. "This is interesting indeed."

I couldn't say anything in return to her comments. I could only sit there with a ponderous look on my face; wondering the intentions of this small girl. Her head quickly perked up, as her rosy cheeks outlined the innocence of her parted lips. However, her eyes told a different story; a tale of deceit and corruption. "More or less, a mother cannot adorn us with her presence for long. A child must always grow up in the end." She smiled, speaking in such a way that entranced my thoughts.

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