CHAPTER 37: Trapped

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Sitting up quickly, I gasped at the lack of breath I seemed to have in that moment. I could barely hold my eyes open upon the weakness that I felt from my muscles and bones. Surrounding me, a large, king sized bed engulfed my small figure within the blankets and cushions.

The room was exponentially lavish, covered in expensive furniture and décor. I could see the gold tile surrounding the border of where the walls met the ceiling. It was almost just as incredible as the chapel I had met my friend in so long ago. However, this chamber did not feel as nostalgic as the chapel, for it was completely foreign to my glistening eyes.

A sudden pain in my chest swept over me, as I held my torso in an antagonizing pain. Once the blood had started circulating fluidly throughout my body, I could quickly feel the pains of my inner organs. Feeling a cough arise, I bring the crevasse of my elbow up to my mouth, where I coughed into the pale skin of my weak arm. It was difficult to use even the slightest muscle inside of my arm.

Tasting a metallic flavor in my mouth, I promptly took my arm away from my mouth, just far away enough for me to grace my eyes upon it. Widening my eyes, I could see the spotted flecks of red ink along my pallid arm. The blood, staining my mouth with an unnatural red color, made my heart thump wildly in fear. I could no longer think straight, for all I could seem to believe was that I needed medical attention immediately.

The sudden latch of the grand doors turned as someone rested their hand on the handle outside of the room. My arm, quickly falling due to the muscle fatigue I was experiencing, was swept of the blood as my left hand smudged it across my forearm in hopes of it vanishing.

The soft opening of the door left me in anticipation as to who the visitor was. "Hello, little one." The deep voice of the individual spoke lightheartedly. A man stepped inside of the room briefly, sending me a warm smile. His strange figure consisted of hair covering his body greatly; thick and white, it matched the curved horns that rested on top of his head.

"who are you?" I asked, ignoring his friendly greeting. I was confused as to who he was, or what he was in this instance. Was he another God? Such as Undyne and Sans? Is he dangerous?

He quickly responded to my nervous question. "I am no one in particular. I just came in to check on your behavior for the time. Are you feeling alright?" He asked as I moved my arm behind me, suspicious of his actions. The only other god I had met had tried to kill me within the meager moments of setting eyes on her.

Still brushing his question of concern away, I looked around the room for a moment, only for my eyes to fall back onto his. "Where am I?" I finally spoke.

"Why, You're in my home!" He said, cheerfully. He seemed pleased to see that his grand home seemed to put myself in a lack of words. All I could do was stare in awe at the magnificence. "Please, do not be afraid, my dear. You will be out shortly." He smiled, standing in the same place from where he had entered. Was he being weary of my movements? Or was he being cautious of my irrational fear?

"Out?" I asked, confused by his odd statement.

"Yes. I believe we have found a solution to our current problem." He said, grinning whilst looking at my small figure. He seemed at least twice as large as my frail body, however, that was him only at a mediate distance away from me.

Confused once more, I began to become frustrated with his vague responses. "What is that?" I asked, eyeing him with a hint of coldness within my expression.

"You see, there Is someone who I have grown to love very much." He paused, making sure he had my attention. "She is in fact my wife, however, she is trapped within you." He spoke, which only made the mayhem grow within my hollow mind. My body ached from forcing my eyelids open for such an extended period of time.

"Within me? How is that possible?" I asked the stranger, now cautious of what I asked to only get the specific answers I wanted. I wasn't quite sure what was going on around me, for the lethargy started to infiltrate my humble mind.

The man chuckled slightly, as if he thought I were making a comical remark. "Within your soul! What else?" he asked, however, his smile was not long-lasting.

"My soul? I am not familiar with that term."

His breath hitched for a moment, and the room was filled with a deafening silence. It was nothing but a metonymy of magnificence as the atmosphere hung low upon my shoulders. "Oh. I see." The man said, slightly disappointed. "But do not fear, I do not have time to explain the logistics of your soul at the given moment unfortunately, for I am allowing more preparations completed for your health. You have been sleeping for quite a while."

"What is going to happen to me?"

His complexion shifted from a friendly greeting to a nervous secret. I was unsure if trusting this stranger beneficial or not. "After we obtain what is necessary fragments from your soul, you will be able to go about your merry little way back to where you came from. However, you will have to return with no memory of this place. It is strictly prohibited for humans to enter this realm and live to tell the tale. I must warn you beforehand."

"With no memory? How will I find this place again?" My heart stopped as I quickly thought of Sans and the memories we had created together. I could not wish for those memories to disappear so soon, for I had grown soft for the strange skeleton. I was afraid of losing him and the gateway to this realm, as much as I longed to see my home once more.

The man suddenly became stern and forceful, and in retaliation i held my tongue and remained silent. I was terrified. "You will not be able to come back here." As if switching completely, he then flashed me a large grin. "Now, I really must be going. If there is anything I can do for you, please allow me or my adviser to know."

I hesitated when asking this question, but I figured it was worth a shot. "Could I leave?" I said, though, despite the answer I knew I'd get, I still remained hopeful in the situation. I still remained determined to find a way out.

"Unfortunately, I cannot permit you to leave." The man said to me. "There are dangerous individuals out to confiscate the person you hold within your soul. One of them being a distant friend of mine." 

My mind wandered to who this man might have any relations to, however nothing came to mind, for my knowledge of his close companions remained capped at the two gods I had met, one, I only knew her name. "Who?" I asked, curiosity taking the best of my abilities.

It was hard to keep my eyes open any longer, and the man in front of me could sense the uncomfort just by looking at my struggling eyes. My sense of logic quickly was thrown out of the nearest window, though there were no windows in sight.

His face softened, as he explained the individual to me. "He goes by the name of Death, however his formal name is Sans." He said, as my heart stopped. It couldn't be him! I couldn't accept it! "He will seize the power you have and destroy it, just as he murdered my wife."

Under panic, I grabbed my head in terror, pulling at the frail strands of hair, begging for it not to be true. My heart pounded at the thought of losing another friend; another companion. I could not take the emotional stress any longer as my mental state crumbled beneath the structures of my mind.

"Well I suppose I should let you be." The man carelessly chuckled, as if he held no empathy at all for my current situation. It was like he had switched personas. "We shall meet again, little one." He said, closing the door, while I was left in silence with my thoughts.

Not him too..

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