CHAPTER 29: Life

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Awaking in an uncomfortable aura of bliss, my sanctioned thoughts quivered just as much as the tip of my trembling lip. The warm, frozen coolness that encased my body was just as unnerving as the contrasting emotions that perplexed my brain's nerves and senses. It had felt like the faded stories of the defined sixth sense that I had been told as a child: it had been fated to be lost within the realms of society. My vision blurred as the sunlight shone in the retinas of my stirring eyes, which hung heavy from the dense bags along the ridges of my eye sockets.

It had felt like I had been asleep for centuries, yet I did not feel even the least bit rested for the time being. It was as if all of the energy that was given to me had been taken away within a snap of two fingers. Sapped away within the meaningless dreams my brain had yet to uncover, my energy was no longer able to be restored. I could not lift even the slightest muscle, for my vulnerability was immense; my muscles: enervated and weak.

The green grass blades that focused through my squinting eyes were close and defined; the clear, vivid saturations of verdant olive and luscious jade enveloped my senses with a freshness that nothing else could compare to. The faint remnants of water droplets from a spring dew rested upon the lined veins of the consecutive blades. They rested there, in perfectly spherical shapes, too perfect for the natural world of chaos. It was like seeing out of a camera, though the motion picture in front of me remained still, for there was no moving air within the mysterious place I lied in.

A stagnant, yet refreshing feeling wafted over my body, along with the still, icy chill of Death. It was reassuring to be so close to what seemed like the essence of Life, however, it was also just as formidable to be so close to Death as well.

The memories that seeped back within my mind perplexed me just as much as they did upon me initially receiving them in such an abrupt manner. They made me ponder and question much of what I had already learned regarding the rules of the opposite realm I had succumbed so objectively to. The whispers of nostalgia kept my pivotal mind from going mad with insanity; ironically, they kept the balance of nature within my earthly body.

Or did they just fit in with the rapid formation of chaos lurking inside of my human mind? The outcome was certainly thrilling to seek the answer to.

As the vivid memories greeted me with the utmost unpleasant thoughts, I was able to regain most of my senses across my paralyzed body. I would soon be able to move a finger, then my eyes. My mind's functions began to work yet again, even the memory—for I was no longer reduced to the state of a naive amnesiac. Trying to decipher everything coming inside my head was quite difficult, to say the least and I could not comprehend the characters and forces that made up this tale of fate I had been entangled in.

Though I was perplexed by the wide sirens of my inner consciousness, the strange dream I had prior to me awakening slowly came back to my mind, as I recollected it gradually and reluctantly. The most draining part of it all was recalling only small bits and pieces throughout the long, ticking seconds passing by in my head.

I was soon able to move an entire muscle, after some struggle, and was greeted with a familiar voice calling my name gently. "Frisk?" he asked, as if he wasn't sure who I was.

My head rose slightly, looking Sans in the eyes, and my lips parted slightly, as the fable yet again played inside of my memory. Looking down upon his blacken cloth, his figure flashed by as a series of clips in my head: memories that were not mine. I knew things I that should not know, and I attempted to greet Sans with the same formality as before, however, my confusion prohibited that from me. "Sans." I said, gesturing him, "The god of Death, I presume?" I asked him. Quickly realizing what I had said, Sans' head looked to the ground full of shame, and sighed heavily in defeat.

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