CHAPTER 42: Resolution

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The tree itself was a creature of destruction: destined for chaos. Although the curse of the child's tree benefited the balance, it unified entropy and decay; a type of harmony with the balance under her small fingers. Her sealed fate remained trapped within the forbidden tree and it kept her soul there forever more: an eternity.

Hearing the crumbling of dust and rocks, Death quickly noticed the small ceiling beginning to crack open due to the tree's pressure on the ceiling. It pierced the drywall that made up the ceiling, turning the room into a bright, musky enclosed space.

Frisk remained unconscious as Death solemnly watched Life's essence fade from her eyes, dimming the golden light of possession from her gaze. Her body fell back onto the table harshly; Death had attempted to catch her, however his fear of endangering her once more kept his feet planted into the ground.

His eyes casted a shadow of hatred towards the tree that now rested inside. It blossomed, much like the gallant beams of the crescent rays of light. It shined down, although plagued, along the morning grass that continued to grow surrounding the tree. It only showed that the curse was still taking effect; dragging Entropy down into a world of eternal suffering. Her soul would attempt to lure the naïve to her.

The tree itself was marked as the most cursed thing ever to live in the realm of the Gods. It was more powerful that Death's home itself. No God nor Goddess would be able to come near the tree without the fear of them turning corrupt. Death is the only one who could come near, for he bore no soul to take possession of. Its mere miasma pulled any being with a soul further and further into the depths of insanity.

Almost as if it was creating chaos just to make sure that Entropy remained alive.

It would have to be locked away.

Death wondered how he could be the guardian of the tree. Anything living that was exposed to his skeletal hands always turned to dust, no matter the consequences. He could no longer believe in the hope of having anyone close to him anymore, for it was even more dangerous to have a mortal by his side.

The only God he was ever able to touch was Life, for her vitality is eternal; any life he took away, her powers replaced and brought back.

At the sudden realization, Death slowly turned back towards Frisk. Her slow breathing indicated she was stable for now, however he knew she had to make it back to the garden if her body wanted to maintain life. Could he possibly come into contact with her skin?

No one in the room spoke a single word, for Death continued to think in jumbled thoughts of confusion. His tangled mind remained trapped within his own conscience. He could not think anymore. His fear outweighed his logic, for he could not forget the fact that her body could perish: the body of a mortal. Would her soul die as well? Would her soul restore it? Would she feel the pain of her body being ripped apart into mere atoms?

The questions filled his mind, confusing him more.

He could only brush them aside, knowing Frisk needed him to help her, not to help himself in the future. He needed to get to the sanctuary so that the life surrounding her could help. Hopefully the corruption within her soul that Entropy implanted had not yet been seen by the garden. Maybe he had a chance at saving her? Did Life know that her soul had been tainted?

Shaking his head, he only walked forward. He did not want the other Gods to find the haven in case something were to go wrong again. He did not want them to know where she will reside in the meantime, fearing a revolt from the council because of a mortal taking on one of the highest positions in the realm.

But he feared her Death upon the contact of her pale skin.

"Sans?" The king spoke, taking his out of this confused predicament, "Are you alright, my friend?" He asked, as if he were playing innocent within it all.

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