CHAPTER 40: Finding her

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The King, turning around, looked perplexed as to who stood behind him and the Goddess of knowledge. The creature before him, seeming human, was completely foreign to his memory; he could not recall who she was in the slightest. Her rosy cheeks and  pale skin indicated the stature of the human lying unconscious across the medical table, however there was something about this creature that did not quite fit the description of 'human'.

An aura, stronger than the grievances of Death's, roamed around her, surrounding the young child in a miasma of resentment and malevolence. Although she appeared the youngest of them all, the King felt something deep down within his soul that she was not someone to be taken lightly.

He feared her mere presence. "Who might you be?" the king asked, weary of her hollow eyes, spilling the thick substance of corruption from her eyes.

The small girl giggled as the other three remained silent, eager for her answer to his question. "Poor Father. He cannot even recognize his own daughter." She said mournfully. Her immediate grin from the answer showed the insanity leaking from her words. "Have I really been gone for that long?" She peered up to ceiling, as if she were the same child she was more than a millennia ago.

The King's eyes widened suddenly, taking her small figure and voice into consideration. His horrified completion drew the Goddess next to him into a pit of confusion, pushing her into a state of ponderous conclusions. Her small frame reminded him of someone he knew from long ago; someone who had met the chamber of souls far too fast for them all. "Chara?" He said in a slight whisper, reliving the surfaced memories of both her and his son as children. "Is that really you?"

"Bingo! Give this man a prize!" She giggled manically. Her hysteria caused Death's muscles to stiffen with fear. Never had he been so terrified before, trapped within the same room with two people; one, a lover, and the other: an enemy.

The king shook his head in another state of confusion. Death and Alphys have yet to speak a single word to the monster before them. "What happened to you?" He said, his confusion growing apparent within his trembling voice. Death could see the glint of happiness in his eyes to see his lost child, however he could also see the fear of his own daughter; the demon that she had become.

"It was dear Mommy's fault, you see." She said, teetering her weight back and forth from left to right. She looked as if she were a toddler, making exceptions for her misdoings and wrong decisions. "I only exterminated the problem." She said, letting a grin slip out of her faint-hearted lie.

Reaching around his back, Death attempted to summon his weapon from behind his back. Carefully moving, his scythe could almost be felt within the palm of his skeletal hand as he corralled his magic into one place. "Don't even think about it." Entropy's stern voice locked onto Death's movements, causing both him and his magic to freeze with fear. "One more inch and she dies here" She said, wavering her hand over Frisk's soul.

Death's Heart ached to see her so close to danger; even her corrupted atmosphere had influence on the exposed soul. "Step away from the human." She said somberly. Her scowl dripped with relentlessness. Entropy had no intention of advocated for her mercy any longer. "I had tried to be nice, really." She said, her witty statement reaped Death's growl from away from his mouth. His voice was low and full of hatred.

Quickly stepping back, the King and the Goddess of Knowledge didn't dare to advert their gaze towards the girl in front of them. Although the King knew the human girl as Chara, that child had died long ago, and thus the new demon had been reborn: Entropy.

Death was at a loss of what he was able to do. As if this were an inevitable puzzle of defeat, his eyes glued onto Frisk's lone body. He never blinked, he only waited her next move, unaware and unable to predict the outcome of this situation.

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