You're a Ninja

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Peter was given permission by Tony to more so officially meet the Avengers. They've passed by each other in hallways and made small talk but now Peter could actually hang out and help them.

The reason he needed permission is that Tony is paranoid and thinks death is everyone's solution. The mere thought that death could be even one possible solution sends Tony into Overprotective Dad Mode. Peter didn't totally mind it but he never disobeyed it which did exclude him from some stuff. However, Tony had given him permission to go and train with Natasha.

Since Peter was a little boy he's always loved Black Widow. She kicked butt and took names. She was such an icon to him and all other kids for just being part of the Avengers. She didn't have any super-abilities or a suit that helped her. Black Widow did have her weapons but she was just so tactful in general.

We stan a Black Widow stan.

Now that Peter was actually going to one-on-one meet her he was about to crap himself. How was he supposed to act? Was she really serious or more sarcastic? He was internally screeching nonsense all the way down to the gym. As the elevator stopped Peter's breathing did as well. Natasha was already firing at a dummy in the far end of the gym in a cut off room.

He steadily walked over to the room, continuing his pep talk about how he was not going to screw this up. She seemed to have noticed him because her firing began to cease. She put down her gun and noise-canceling headphones and walked out of the room.

Her face was set in a stern way, but it wasn't meant to be intimidating. She eyed him and Peter quickly stuck out his hand giving a sheepish smile.

"Hi, I'm Peter," He said. She shook his hand before giving a small quirk of her lips at him.

"I'm Natasha," She looked him over again. "When Tony said 'the baby is ready' I didn't quite expect you. What are you? Twelve?"

Peter let out a nervous chuckle. "No, I'm sixteen." Natasha's eyebrows raised ever so slightly and she rolled her eyes.

"Of course Stark referred to you as a baby. You're a teenager. Didn't take Tony for the over-dramatic dad type."

"He's not-"

"I know," She turned her head away but Peter swore he saw a little tiny smirk. He shifted his weight back and forth from each leg.

"So," Peter smiled. "Mr. Stark said we could train because I've never had actual proper training. He thinks it'll help me not die... unless you kill me but I really hope you don't. That would hurt." Peter let out a nervous chuckle when he realized he was rambling a bit. Natasha's eyebrows did the slight raise thing again and she nodded.

"I'll try not to," She motioned for him to go to the punching bag. "Do you know how to punch?" Natasha knew the answer was a yes. He had to at least know the basics to do what he does.

"Yeah, I only know the small things most people know, everything else I do is all webby stuff and swinging," Peter poked the punching bag. Natasha wasn't sure if the words he said were meant to sound serious or joking. His facial expression remained in its neutral peaceful one.

"Punch." Peter did as told and the bag swung back and Natasha stopped it. "A trained assassin would know exactly where you're about to punch. You give it all away with your body language but it seems you haven't gone against one. We can work on that. You also shift your weight onto this leg too much, another dead giveaway to your punch." Peter blinked taking in all of the words. Natasha waited, expecting maybe some sass saying about how he knew that or something some kid would say when being told they're doing it wrong.

"Thank you, is this right?" Peter took another punch, taking into account what Natasha instructed. It did improve but not to perfection quite yet. In the back of her mind as she gave more instructions to improve his stance she thought about how calm he was. He seemed to be easily taught something. He might've even been a slight pushover, not because he wanted to, though.

"You're definitely getting the hang of it already," Natasha felt her lips quirk up in praise of her new student. "When we're done, let's speak to Tony about more training sessions." Peter's eyes widened in surprise but he quickly nodded. They trained until he had to patrol. He used his new moves against some robbers and they worked well and efficiently. He definitely wanted Natasha to keep training him.

Hello readers. I hope you guys enjoyed another chapter of this book. Updates are getting a little bit weird because my schedule is getting weird because of camps, vacations, and work. I'm trying my hardest to keep all the update intervals about the same but I am not very good at it. Thank you guys for reading and remember to vote and comment!

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