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Sabrina's pov

Adam's return seemed to fix everything in my life. I was so happy. It all felt like a dream sometimes and I was afraid tomorrow I might wake up and face the cruel reality of life. But it wasn't. It wasn't a dream. Adam was my reality now and I was so thankful for it.

Its been three weeks since Adam came back. And these 3 weeks he didn't once leave my sight. He was always with me. Taking care of me, loving me, filling the void that was created by him leaving. Well except for the time I was in school, I was always with him.

I stayed with him these 3 weeks. My parents didn't bother to ask where I was. I anyway was ready to move out, so me staying away from home was certainly not a surprise for them bBut I did inform Jay that I will be with Adam.

And as for Adam, I told him my parents were happy for me and understood my need to stay with him and be with him.

Adam didn't question because he hardly knew my parents. He talked to them once or twice and during that time they had their wonderful pretence on, where they would be the perfect parents infront of the world.

Adam has been the best to me. I slept in his arms these 3 weeks. He would always wake me up with a kiss. He would make lunch for me when I came for work. We would watch movies together, laugh at silly things, make fun of each other. Just like old times.

I was curious as to why he was always at home. But he cleared my confusion when he told me he took a vacation from work to spend his time with me.

Today we are supposed to go on a date to a fancy restaurant and I was totally stuck at what I should wear. I wanted to look perfect for him. And because of this, there were clothes lying all around my bed, as I kept wondering what I should wear.

Suddenly my eyes fell on a black gown hanging in my open closet. As I touched it with my fingers an instant jolt of memory ran through me.

"This is a gift for you."

"Gift?" I was confused. "But why? It is not my birthday. Or any other special occasion.

"I dont need an occasion to gift my daughter. Do I?

"But Mr.Black..."

"No buts. I know my daughter will look great in this"

"Thank you so much...Dad"

That was the first and only time I had called him dad. But it felt so right calling him by that name.

I smiled faintly at the memory. I never got an occasion before to wear this dress . But today I will.

After I got ready, I got a call from him saying my ride was waiting for me.

As I walked out of the house, I could see a shiny black ferrari infront of me. And standing infront of it was Adam in his shining black tuxedo. His gorgeous smile was bright on his face and I blushed by seeing him. As I reached him , he took my hand in his and gave it a gentle peck causing my a fluttering in my stomach.

"You look gorgeous," he spoke.

I gave a slight smile replying "You don't look so bad yourself."

He mirrored my smile and opened the door of the ferrari for me. I sat and soon he sat too.

It was a short ride. We didn't talk much. His attention was on the road and my attention was on him. I should've asked him about the car, but my mind was already too preoccupied to think about that. I kept staring at him with a smile not leaving my lips. How could I have been so lucky to get a guy like him.

He was just so perfect .

Soon we reached the beautiful location. Adam being the gentleman he was, held out his hand for me. I caught hold of his hand and walked into the elegant hotel.
A woman guided us to our seats and our menus were placed infront of us. Soon we placed our orders and now were waiting for it to arrive.

"So. Why all this fancy outing? I am sure the food here is pretty expensive. And a ferrari for the night. I don't think I did something to receive this fancy treatment," I questioned

"Well. Ms.May, I just wanted to spend on my girl. I don't think there is something wrong in it "

I heartily smiled, " I guess you are right Mr.Black. What could possibly be wrong at spending a fortune on food which won't even fill a kids stomach."

He chuckled at this and soon started talking again.

"Leaving that topic for later, I have something to ask you. You know, I was wondering how do you like my name?"

"Your name?"

"Yes my name ."

"Well, it does have a powerful feel to it. And the surname does suit with the first name. Adam Black. And it also perfectly reflects your love for black, doesn't it. So overall, I'll say I like it," I spoke analytically with a crooked smile marring my face.

"Thank you Ms.May. Even though you didn't ask I would shamelessly like to leave an opinion anyway about your name."

I chuckled at this and he continued.

"Sabrina May. Firstly, I love your first name and the way it smoothly rolls of my lips. While your surname doesn't necessarily have anything bad about it, I dont think it suits your name well. Would I perhaps suggest a better name?"

I lightly spoke, "you may."

He smiled and said,"I think a different surname would suit your name perfectly. How would you like to be called Sabrina Black?"

My breath hitched at this. I knew where this conversation was going. And I was so startled that I couldn't reply. Is he really going to do it?

All of a sudden, Adam left his seat and kneeled infront of me. He took out a small velvet engraved box from his pocket, opened it and held it towards my direction.

There lay the most beautiful diamond ring I had ever seen. I was so astounded by its beauty that my heart started hammering in my chest. I was waiting for Adam's next words. Somewhat scared, somewhat excited.

"Sabrina Alaistar May. The most stunningly gorgeous , crazy and sexy woman I have had the pleasure to meet. You entered my life when I was at the mere age of six. And from then my life has never been the same. You changed it. Changed it for the better. You made me feel whole. You were the missing piece of puzzle in my life. Little by little you made me into the man I am right now. And because of that I love you, so so much. So I am here, infront of you asking you the one question which I always wanted to. Asking you for the thing which I always wanted. Will you marry me?"

By the end of his speech I had tears streaming down my eyes. This was the most perfect proposal I could ever imagine. His words brought joy to me that I couldn't ever explain.

I was drinking in the very elixir of life. I was ecstatic.

And then I gave the most obvious reply, "yes". How could I not? The man I loved my entire life is proposing me. This was a dream come true.

Everyone around us cheered and hollered. He deftly rolled the ring in my ring finger marking me as his .

I was his now. His fiance. And his soon to be wife.

This was the best moment of my life. Only if I knew what all I would've to face for this one yes from my side.

Next chap will be in Adam's pov. It will show last 2 chaps from his view. Stay tuned.😊
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