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Sabrina's pov

I slowly walked in a room with Adam holding my hand tightly in his. The room had an eerie silence to it and it was devoid of any people except a single nurse.

There was a small cot in the centre of the room and somehow as I approached it I knew, I knew that my baby, my Hope was there.

Before I could walk any further to reach the cot, Adam tightly held my hand not letting me walk any further. I turned to look at him and his face had just a broken expression on it.

"Please Bree," he spoke, his voice cracking in between, " you won't...you won't be able to bear it."

His words angered me more than it should. Who was he to say what I could bear and what I could not.

Snatching my hand away from his, I spat, " You can't stop me anymore."

With that I marched forward to the cot. And what I saw inside warmed my heart.

Residing in it was my little baby girl, my Hope. I didn't need to ask anyone whether she was Hope or not. Just by looking at her I knew, I knew that this was my daughter.

She looked nothing less than an angel. Her eyes were closed and it looked like she was in a peaceful slumber. Her cheeks pale just like her lips. She was covered with just a white cloth.

Slowly, taking my right hand forward, I gently touched her cheeks which was completely cold.

Taking my hands forward, I reached to take her in my arms. And when I did, I couldn't help but shed a few tears. After so long, I was finally able to see my child .

"Hope. Baby. Momma is here for you," I spoke as more tears made their way down my cheek," I am so sorry I wasn't here for you before. I love you so much."

Saying that, I kissed her forehead lightly, scared that I might hurt her if I applied any more pressure.

She didn't do anything in response. She was just...sleeping.

"Hope," I called out,"wake up baby. Momma wants to see your beautiful eyes. She wants to hear you princess. Wake up"

But yet she didn't move.

My heart rate kept increasing as I kept calling her but she didn't respond.

"Adam," I called out,"maybe..maybe she isn't recognizing me. She knows your voice right. Please call her," I begged.

But Adam didn't. He just stood fixated in this position, looking intently at the ground.

"I SAID CALL HER," I screamed as my chest kept heaving up and down

But no one did. No one called her.

And that his when his words came back to me.

"She is no more"
"She is no more"
"She is no more"

I looked at Adam with a helpless expression, hoping for him to say that whatever he said a while ago were completely false.

But he didn't

Instead he spoke out meekly, "I am sorry Bree. She is gone."

And at that moment, I felt the world shift beneath my feet. I felt as if someone was piercing my heart, over and over again.

"NOO," I shouted, desperation clear in my voice," she...she can't be gone. I..I met her today. She cant be gone. I didn't rock her to sleep. I didn't feed her. I...I never caressed her when she was crying. Hell, I never even saw her eyes. I didn't do anything a mother should. She can't be gone, she can't be," I cried holding Hope tightly against my chest.

I sat on the floor with Hope pressed against my body, as I kept repeating the words over and over again,

"She can't be gone"

And within these mutterings, I didn't realise when I started losing my consciousness and when I was welcomed in complete darkness.


Adam's pov

I kept looking down, ashamed of myself.

What had I done?

To her, to myself and Hope

After Sabrina passed out, immediately the doctors took her for checkup while they took Hope away for all the rest of the procedures.

And here I was, sitting in the hospital bench, crying over my life.

It was at this moment when I phone continuously vibrated in my pant pocket. At first I thought of ignoring it. But something in me told me that I should check what was that for.

And when I brought my phone out, I saw that I had recieved a new message. And that message was a video. A video sent to me by none other than my private detective.

I quickly clicked on the video and what I saw broke me completely.

The video started just the way I remembered. But this time it didn't end the same. It didn't end with Sabrina shooting my dad.

After the painful scene of my dad being shot right at the chest passed, the video still continued. The girl, whom I believed to be Sabrina walked towards him as he painfully kept looking at her.

"Hurts doesn't it," she spat ,"Well you and your dear friend hurt me alot too. And although I can't hurt your friend cause you know, family ties, I can atleast hurt you."

Dad didn't utter a single word. He just kept looking at her with as his eyes became smaller and smaller.

"I feel bad for your son though. I kinda like him," she continued," But then again, my revenge is important. And by this, not only will I take my revenge from you but I will take my revenge from my dear sister as well"

"Dont," he gritted as soon as she mentioned about her sister.

"Too bad old man. You can't stop me anymore."

Saying that, she started to walk away from him. And when she turned, I finally saw her face.

And that is when my entire being filled with regret and anger.

It wasn't my Sabrina. Oh God. What have I done?

It was that bitch. That Fucking Sharon!

I am going to kill her!!!

I started out great I guess. But as I kept writing, the chapter became more meh

Anyway, this book is coming to an end. Or atleast the first part of it is. Only 1 or 2 more chapters to go.

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