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*1 month later

Sabrina's pov

"372, 373, 374,,," I kept mumbling to myself.

This was all what I did the past month. I kept counting each second and when I lost count, I started again, from the scratch.

I was trapped here. With no way out. Although lights were present in this room, I always kept them off. Simply because, I was afraid of it.

That has what has become of life. I realised light has never done me good. It has always fooled me. Made me believe that there was something good left in the world. Made me run behind it. Only for it to make me fall in a bottomless pit filled with darkness.

And although darkness is always connotated with negative, I really don't mind it. Because this is what my life is. And what my life always was. Dark.

The first few days of my stay here was spent in complete agony, with me wailing and crying over the door for Adam to open it. But not once was the door opened in my consciousness.

Whenever I used to drift off in slumber filled with nightmares, I would wake up to find food enough to last me the whole day. But never once, did I see the door open when I was awake.

At first, I thought it was because Adam knew about my sleeping pattern. He knew the usual time when I sleep and when I wake up. So why not fool him this time? But my plans failed as I realised after staying awake for 48 hours straight, that Adam had kept me under his surveillance. He never once opened the door when I was awake or when I was pretending to sleep. He only came when I was deep asleep.

And so, after trying for days, I finally gave up. I became emotionless doll who had no soul in her body. Who had no one to talk to. And no one to look for her.

A doll who had just one feeling within her.The feeling of longing. Longing for her only child who she had never met. And thus, because of this longing, came the feeling of pain

Adam's pov

"Shhh. Hope. Please stop crying. Dada has to go work princess," I said as I kept rocking her in my arms.

Hope had been crying the entire day today and I had no idea as to what will calm her down.

The nurse fed her and gave her a bath. But yet she continued crying. It was almost as if something was wrong. And I was getting more worried with every passing second.

"Princess. I love you so much. Please calm down," I spoke softly kissing her forehead. But yet her cries did not stop.

I even tried to sing some tunes. But nope. Nothing worked.

And then suddenly came the ringing of my phone. I kept ignoring it for a while. But no. The phone kept ringing on and on. Could this day be anymore worse?

Having no option, I carefully took it out of my pocket, making sure I have a steady hold over Hope.

Taking the phone in my hand, I saw it was my private investigator calling. I answered the call as I held the phone to my ear.

"What's wrong?" I whisper yelled, as I kept holding Hope to my chest, gently rocking her.

"Sir. I am sorry if I may have disturbed you. But I need to meet you. Urgently"

"I can't meet you now. I need to be with my daughter. Whatever the matter is can wait. "

"Sir please. It's important. It's about your father's murder."

My body immediately froze as I heard the words he uttered.

"Wha..what about his death?"

"I have succeeded in getting the entire clip. But this file isn't supported by our phone or laptop. I would convert it. But it's a complicated file type and would take some time."

"Wh...I am coming. Wait for me."

Saying that, I cut the call and threw the phone across the sofa.

"Amy," I screamed across the hall as a nervous looking, green eyed, stout nurse immediately came to my command.

"You called me sir."

"I need you to take care of Hope. Try to calm her down. And if she is hungry. Feed her the formula."

"Sure sir," she nodded as she took Hope from my arms.

I was about to leave after giving Hope to Amy, but something pulled me back. It was just this weird feeling in my chest. As if something bad will happen. Immediately my thoughts drifted to Sabrina. Whenever I think about her, a slight guilt arises within me which I always ignore. But somehow today, that feeling of guilt was just not erasing.

Walking back, I went to where Hope was in Amy's arms. She was still crying but not as much as before. Seeing her swollen eyes, my heart hurt. I can never see her in pain. Slightly kissing her forehead, I whispered, "Dada loves you. And he will be back for his princess , soon."

With that I turned back and walked out of my house.


"Are you sure this is the file," I asked my investigator who was busy trying to convert it.

"Yes sir. I just need 15 to 20 more minutes. And it will be done. And the truth will come out."

"I know the truth already!" I spoke defensively, "it's just, I need to see it with my eyes too."

"You will sir. In no time."

As he said that, I brought my phone out and started rummaging through my gallery filled with Hope's pictures. I just stared at her. My little angel.

Never did I once think that becoming a father would be such a wonderful experience.

As I kept rummaging through the pictures, suddenly a picture appeared infront of me. A picture which I forgot I still had. A picture from my wedding.

As I kept staring at the picture, I couldn't help but admire Sabrina. Her beauty. How elegent she looked that day. She was the epitome of physical beauty. For me. If only her soul was just as beautiful.

My stare broke, as instead of her picture, the call screen appeared in my phone.

It was Amy.

But why was she calling me? Was everything okay?

Immediately I answered the call. Before I could answer anything, I heard Amy's frantic cries from the other end.

"Sir. Please come to the hospital as quickly as possible. Something's wrong with Hope. I...her crying didn't stop. And suddenly she just became too quite. I brought her to the hospital. And it's not looking good."

My heart started beating in an unsteady pace as I heard that. What if something happened ...No.

"Wha...I am coming right now"

Saying that I cut the call and was about to march off when my investigator intervened.

"Sir where are you leaving? The file is almost ready."

" I need to be there with my daughter now," I screamed," just send it to my phone when it's ready."

Saying that I marched off and went on my way to the hospital.

Hi everyone.

Hope you all like the chapter❤❤❤Cause the next one is going to be......

I can't promise to update early. Cause I have been busy lately. But I will try my best.

Sooo... apparently I was offered this deal with Dreame. Now don't worry. I will never abandon Wattpad. But I just wanted to know how everything works before responding to them. If anyone has their book up in Dreame, please comment down below and do let me know how the whole process is.

Happy holidays everyone. And happy New year and new decade❤❤😂it's technically not new year yet. But you know...

Off topic, but what is your favourite band of the decade?

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