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Adam's pov

Its because of you she is dead. It's your fault

I drank another glass of wine as her words kept repeating itself in my mind

"Forgiveness? You think you deserve forgiveness. You think you deserve my forgiveness after you fucking killed my child"

For years I have blamed myself for losing both my loves, but tonight, after hearing those words from Sabrina's mouth, something within me broke.

She was right. She was absolutely right. And that is why I hated myself

I kept drinking to try to numb the agony within myself. But no matter what, it didn't end

The agony of losing her all over again. The agony of letting her walk away once again.

It was at this moment my phone rang. Immediately I picked it up, wondering it might be Sabrina but I was fairly disappointed when the voice in the phone did not belong to her

"Adam. I've sent you some files. Didn't you check them?" questioned Julia

"I...I've been busyy. Very veryyy busy"

"Is everything alright?"

I started laughing at her question. How can everything possibly be alright

"Adam. Why are you laughing?"

"Nothing's alright. Everything is ruined. All by me"

"Adam what do you..."

"I let her go. She went. She left. I'll always be alone now"

"Wait. I'm coming over. I'm worried"

With that she cut the call, leaving me in complete silence once more.


Surely enough she came to my house, the house which felt empty now due to Sabrina's absence

"Adam. You are drunk. What's wrong?" She asked after seeing my sitting on the ground infront of the fire place

"Everything," I spoke, gulping down one more drink

But she immediately snatched the glass from my hand not letting me drink anymore

"Give it back"

"No. You have already drunk enough. You won't drink anymore "

"I could fire you, you know," I sneered

"I know. But you won't. Because you are not cruel. And I'm only here to try to help you"

"Not cruel? What do you even know about me?"

"I don't. I don't know enough. That's why I am here. Tell me Adam. Tell me what's bothering you. I can help"

I laughed as she said that

"Nobody can help me"

"Let me try," she said, sitting besides me.

I turned to look at her. Her skin was clear while Sabrina's has small red spots around her cheeks. Her eyes were a light brown while Sabrina's was deep blue. Everything about her was different from my Bree. But somehow her being besides me reminded me of Bree

"Adam," she said, placing her hand on mine

"You told me that I was your friend. So let me help you. Please"

I gulped as she said that. Somehow my vision got blurry as tears filled my eyes

"She...My Sabrina. She left. And she won't come back. Ever"

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