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Draco's pov

I knew one thing right now for sure. I had to leave for home as soon as possible.

Seeing Adam scared me to an extent I didn't know of. As I saw him there, after years, striking a business deal right infront of me, I was shook. I didn't expect to see him again in my entire lifetime. But here we were

I couldn't risk staying here any longer. To hell with this business deals. I could have thousands more later in my life. If I stayed here any longer, there is a possibility that he might end up taking my most valuable possession from me, my Ava

Immediately I called Mr.Johnson to inform him about my decision,

As he picked up, he started talking before I could,

"Mr.Draco. I was just about to call you myself"

"Mr.Johnson. Before you say anything, I have something to say. I..I will like to withdraw myself from this deal. Due to some personal reasons, I can't stay here any longer. I hope you understand"

"Why do you need to cancel this deal for that. Don't worry. We will arrange everything. This is such a big opportunity for all the companies involved."

"Arrange everything?"

"Yes we can. You just have to stay here for one more week. One week later everything will be managed. And then everything will run smoothly even if you are in your home that tine"

"I don't have that much time."

"One week. What harm could it cause. Plus it would be very unprofessional to back out now."

"I...okay. One more week"

"Wonderful. I called to inform, there is a event planned by company for all our business partners involved. Normally, I would've delivered this message through a assistant. But you have been my friend in business for so long that I felt obligated to call you myself"

"Mr.Johnson. I dont think so..."

"You can't say no to this. You can bring along anyone you want. "

"Okay Johnson. I am ready to come. But in one condition."


"The theme should be masquerade "

"What a wonderful idea. Consider it done. I'll send further details through my assistant. For now, goodbye"

One more week here. After that I will be gone far far away from here. With my Ava and my Lia.

Adam's pov

A throbbing headache was going through my head as I slowly got up from the couch where I had passed out the previous night.

The hangover felt like a balloon in under my cranium, slowly being inflated, pressure mounting. The aching in my skull ebbed and flowed like a cold tide, yet the pain was always there.

As I clutched my forehead due to the pain, flashes of previous night went through my brain.

Last night when I talked to my Sabrina.


Immediately I shot up from the bed. Marching to the washroom, I splashed cold water onto my face trying to wipe out any remnants of sleep from within me.

And that is when I started thinking deeply about what all had happened

Sabrina was there. With me. She sat right beside me. She talked to me, even if it was only for a few moments. But how was it possible? How could it be that she was there? She...she is gone now.

My mind then deciphered the situation clearly. In my state of intoxication, I imagined her sitting there, right beside me. Talking to me. It was just like any of my dreams. Where I saw her every night.

But somewhere, some part of me was not ready to accept it.

I knew the possibility of her being there with me was zero. But still some part of me called out to myself to check whether it was the complete truth.

Immediately I dialled Julia's number as I called her. After ringing for a while, she finally picked up

"G'morning Sir," she said groggily, indicating she had just woken up from her sleep.

I was too tired myself to shout at her for her incompetence to pick the phone at time, which is why I went straight to the point.

"I need you to find out whether any person by the name of Sabrina is residing in this hotel. Got it?"

"Sabrina? Isn't she your late wife."

"Just do what you are told to. I dont want any questions from your side."

"Alright alright," she spoke

As I was about to cut the call she screamed out, bursting my eardrums in the process


"I am perfectly capable of hearing you even when you dont...scream like you did right now."

"I'm sorry sir. But I had received a mail last night. It's an invitation to an event?"


"Apparently, Mr. Johnson is throwing a huge party in celebration of his biggest business deal with so many influential business man. "

"Fuck my life. When is this event?"

"Umm...tomorrow night "

"What the...."

"And sir there is a theme. Everyone is supposed to wear masks. And everyone can bring someone along with them."


"Yes you know. It can be anyone. Maybe a person you work with or..."

"If you want to come Julia, you can just say so."

"I....sorry," she apologized, clearly embarrassed.

"My assistant is supposed to be there anyway. Get ready in time. I don't want your tardiness to delay me"

"Omg. Thank you so much sir. Omg omg. There will be so many food and so many....I'm sorry. I can be dumb at times. But thank you."

I don't know why, I found myself smirking a little at her stupidness. She is just a kid in a grown ups body.

"Go do your work now Julia. "

"On it sir"

With that I cut the call as I sighed, a masquerade party. Well let's just get it over with.

So next chapter is the masquerade party. Are you all excited for it?

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