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Sabrina's pov

It has been four days since Hope was born. And till now I couldn't catch a glimpse of her.

I knew I couldn't stay with Adam any longer after his accusations on me. He was dangerous. For me and for my Hope. I have to find an escape. Hope shouldn't grow in a toxic environment like I did.

"I need to make a call," I said to the nurse who entered my room to do my check up, "Can I please use your phone"

"I'm sorry. I can't give you my phone," she told solemnly

"You don't get it. I really need it. My husband has held me captive. He abuses me. I need help. I need to escape"

"What. He abuses you? Oh my God, I really wish I could help you. But I cant lose my job. Please try to understand"


Before I could speak any further, Adam entered with a smile marring his face. The nurse immediately left leaving us alone

"I got the discharge papers. We will home today"

I just nodded, not knowing what else to say. I started getting teary eyed when I realised I still hadn't found my escape. The world was indeed a cruel place.

I blinked back my tears as I waited for Adam to pack all our stuffs, my thoughts filled with Hope

No matter how much I begged or cried, no one allowed me to meet her. No one told me where she was. Not the doctor or nurses. And definitely not Adam.

They told me she was too fragile to be in anyones company. But I just wanted a small glimpse of her. But no one granted me that. Was it too much to ask for?

"Adam," I called

He hummed in response as he was busy stuffing all my clothes which I had brought here in a bag.

"Are we...are we going to see her today?"

Immediately his actions stopped. He looked up towards my direction and an unknown look crossed his face for a while after which his lips curved into a smile.

"Yes sweetheart. Once we reach home, we can meet her. "

"But. Can't we take her with us?"

"I have assigned some people to take her home."

"But. Why can't we take her?" I questioned dejectedly

"Sabrina," he sighed walking towards me and taking my hands in his," Don't worry. She will reach home safe and sound. A nurse will also be there with her to take care of all her needs. She needs some medical equipments along with her as she is still very fragile. So we can't bring her with us."


"Just trust me okay."

I didn't know what to say after that. How could I ever trust him after everything he had done? How could I?

He didn't wait for my answer though, as he went back to complete the packing, and soon we were ready to go home, to Hope.


Unlike my journey to the hospital which seemed quite long, my journey back home was very short.

I was fidgeting the entire journey back home as I couldn't wait to finally meet my little angel, my Hope.

As we finally reached home, I hurried out of the car. Did the ones bringing her home reach before us? Is she there inside? I was about to find out.

When I was about to open the main door, Adam's hand held my wrist in a tight grip as he stopped me from moving any further.

I turned towards him with a questioning glance, but he just smiled at me and kissed my forehead.

"Sabrina. You are going to meet her for the first time. It should be special right."

I didn't know what to say. I didn't really care if our meet was special or not. I just wanted to go and meet her.

But I knew that Adam wouldn't back out.

So I just nodded at his direction.

Immediately, his hand went to his pocket as he brought out a plain black napkin out of it. I furrowed my brows in confusion as he moved behind me and brought the cloth to my eyes to cover my vision

I gasped in surprise as my hands moved up to my covered eyes.

"Adam. W..what are you doing?"

"Shhh. Dont worry."

Saying that, he directed me to god knows where. I was frantically moving my hands around me, making sure not to hit anything on my way which Adam might not have noticed.

After walking for quite some time, we finally stopped. And that is when Adam brought his lips to my ears, and a shiver ran down my spine at the small contact between me and him.

"We are here."

With that, I immediately hurried to bare my eyes finally. And what I saw left me completely shook

I was standing in a room. To be more specific, I was standing in THE room that I had spent months decorating. I was standing in Hope's nursery.

But well, it looked completely different to the nursery I had seen just a few days ago .

The walls which were covered in a pink colour with cartoon characters drawn over them was now a plain grey. The room which was once stacked with toys was and had little space to walk in, was now empty and devoid of any objects. The crib which was there in the centre of the room was now gone, but replaced by a single bed with plain sheets covering them.

What had happened to this room.

I turned to Adam in confusion, but I was only greeted back with a devilish smirk.

"Where is everything?"

He just gave an evil smile and replied,

"Somewhere far away from you. Where it belongs."

"I..i don't understand. "

He cupped my face in his cheeks as I said that and bent down a little to press a gentle kiss on my lips which I didn't respond to. Bringing his lips back, he smiled towards my direction.

"What did my sweetheart think? That I will forget everything she had done."

"Adam...what do you mean?"

This time, his smile disappeared as his hands locked tightly around my jaw and an angry glare appeared on his face.

"This is your punishment. Punishment for your sins."

A tear ran down my cheek as I tried my best to rid his hands from my cheeks, failing miserably.


"I didn't Adam," I sobbed, " I swear I didn't. "

"Stop lying. You killed my father. Because of you my Hope will never meet her grandfather. "

My mind immediately shifted to Hope at her mention. Hope. Where was she? I didn't care about my pain anymore. I just wanted to go meet her.

"Adam. H...hope. Wh..where is she?"

He started laughing humorlessly at my question

"Oh my dear sweetheart. What did you think your punishment was going to be?"

I furrowed my brows in confusion at his words. And that was when he revealed something which broke me completely. Which broke me soul

"This is your punishment Bree. You took dad away from me. And so I am taking Hope away from you. You will never meet Hope. Not in this life atleast. "

Next chapter will be huge compared to this. I promise.

Till then vote, comment and share it with your friends💜💜

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