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Adam's pov

As I sat in the stool of the hotel bar, the whole conversation with Martinez repeated itself in my mind

"How's Sabrina. Your wife"

"Well...is she not your wife anymore? Are you divorced?"

"Too bad. She was a lovely woman. She gave me a wonderful company that time. Too bad you let her go. What ..."

For some inexplicable reasons, his words hurt me. Alot. Maybe because he was right. I was the one who let her go. And this is the reason I was alone now while he had his entire family with hin

My hands gripped the glass in my hands, my eyes swiveling towards the back of my head in a distressed sense of a headache. I tilted my head towards backwards as I took a long swig of the dark substance that affected me.

My breath was the underlying cause of the smell of alcohol that entered my nostrils, and my mouth was sore from the amount of alcohol that I poured down my throat.

And at this very moment, someone, a woman to be exact sat down beside me. She just came and rested her head in her hands. I couldn't see her face but I knew from her posture that she was stressed.

Due to my excessive drinking, my senses seemed to be blurred as I felt I couldn't really hear anything and my vision was going blur too. But I could make out that she removed her hand and ordered for something in the bar

I was continuously staring at her like a fool, blinking my eyes several times to catch a glimpse of what she looked like. I felt myself drawn to her by an imaginary force.

She might've felt my unfaltering gaze towards her, as suddenly she turned to directly look me in the eye. And at this moment, I felt my breath leave my lungs.

Immediately, everything was crystal clear. At first, I saw her beautiful eyes, the very eyes which I would've wanted to stare at my entire life. And then I took a long look at her face.


I rubbed my eyes with the back of hand, and looked back at her again. She was still sitting there, looking at me with a frown marring her beautiful face

At once, I wanted to touch her, to feel her body against my fingertips. To feel whether she was real or not. I slowly brought my fingers up a little, but as soon as I did that, I retreated back my hand.

I knew it was my mind playing games with me. But if these games led me to be beside Sabrina for just a few moments, I was ready to play along. Because through this, I got the sense of security, of her being there with me, even though it was all false.

"Excuse me. Why are you staring at me?" She questioned.

And I felt myself melt as I heard that beautiful voice of hers that I loved.

"Bree," I called out

Immediately her expressions changed as she looked shocked. It was as if millions of questions were going through her head each second and she was yearning for answers to it.

"Bree?" She tested the name out in her tongue.

"I..I am sorry"

Her eyes moistened as she heard those words. She didn't say anything else for a while after which she got up and left me there, all alone. Not before, turning back to look at me once again. Giving me a view of her beautiful face that no matter how drunk I was right now, I would never forget.

Ava's pov

After me and Draco were done, I left his side to make sure Lia was fast asleep. When I returned to our room, I saw Draco asleep as well.

And so, I took this time to leave our suite to walk around a little. I wanted to calm my mind.

Why did Draco look so scared today? Why was he worried? Who was that man in my vision?And why couldn't I just forget about my past and love the man who loved me more than his life?

All these questions kept revolving around my mind and I longed to find all the answers to those.

There was something, something pulling me back from Draco. And I couldn't help but wonder whether it was something related to my past. The past I was oblivious about.

As I kept walking, I found myself drawn to the hotel bar. I was not one to drink alot. But I needed to clear my mind and let all these thoughts disappear. A drink perhaps would do me good.

As I sat in a stool near the counter, I waited for someone to come and take my order. As I waited, I rested my head in my hands, waiting for the headache which raised due to my constant thinking to vanish.

It was at this moment, that I felt someone staring at me. I didn't want to stare back at first as I did not want an awkward situation to arise.

But as that person's gaze kept intensifying, I couldn't help but stare back

Immediately I was gobsmacked as I stared at him. I didn't know him. But just by looking at him, I could feel that we had a long lost connection. And when I looked at his eyes, I was shocked. I was reminded of those pair of eyes that haunted my dreams each night. And his eyes were exactly the same

As our staring competition prolonged, I couldn't help but question why was he staring at me all this time. But what he responded with, scared me more than it should've.

He just said one word. One damn word.


I felt I knew this word. Knew this name very well. And that is what scared me. What if...what if he was someone of my past. Although I longed for answers, I was scared to find them.

And then he said those three words that scared me even more.

"I am sorry"

There could be so many reasons he was sorry for, so many fucking reasons. And the fact that I didn't why he was sorry terrified me. Some part of me knew exactly why he was apologising, the part that was hurt and the part which knew pain, but my mind couldn't decipher it yet.

And so I didn't know what else to do, besides leaving. I was scared to know more. Scared to know something that might affect my current family

But I didn't forget to look back once more towards the man, the man with those familiar eyes, the man who called me Bree.

Hi ya'll. Hope you are all doing good. I know staying at home can make many people anxious. So just keep yourself busy. Try something new out. Stay safe and stay at home

Also do vote for this chapter and the previous chapters as well 🙂❤

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