Bonus chapter 3 (Adam)

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Voice notes to Adam

"Adam. Hi. I...I've tried reaching out to you a number of times. Julia said this is the number you are using. If that is the case, I have no idea why you aren't responding. But when you get time, please do respond. I...I really want to talk to you. I've so much to tell you. And I...I missed you. A lot. Please so call me"

"Hi Adam. I guess I know why you aren't responding. You must've heard about me and Draco. I wanted to tell you all about it, but you weren't there and I...I love him. But you mean alot to me too. Please. Let's talk"

"I miss you Adam. I really do"

"Hey. So it's been a long time since I've sent you a voice note. I'm just...I'm just so happy today. I...I'm pregnant. Adam. I'm pregnant. I couldn't help but share this happiness with you. You must be tired of my messages but I just needed to tell you that. I hope you are happy Adam. I hope you get a second chance in life too. Like I did. I probably won't try to talk again. I guess I have realised now that you don't want me in your life. But that's okay. If your are happy this way, then so be it. Goodbye"

"I told you I won't send a message to you again. But I couldnt help it. I am so happy Adam. I have a baby boy now. A baby boy. I named him Liam. Well, actually Lia named him. She wanted to name him Hagrid but oh well, she settled for Liam. He is so tiny. His eyes. They...they are so beautiful. I know once I couldnt experience because...Anyway. I just wanted to let you know that I'm happy now. I have let go of the pain. I would like it if you were here now. To see me this way."


Voice notes from Adam which were never sent

"Bree. I wish I could meet you. But my heart could never bear the pain to see you with someone else. To watch you and feel the guilt of losing you all over again. I'm sorry"

"I saw you today. I told myself I would never. But I guess I couldn't stop myself. I came to your school to catch a glimpse of you. were looking exquisite. I cant tell you how much restraint I had to put on myself, to stop myself from going to you, taking you in my arms, keeping you close to myself. But right when I saw you smiling while talking to someone, looking happy, I knew you didn't need me in your life anymore. You may tell that you want that, but you don't. You are happy with him. And I don't want to do anything to come between that happiness. I love you. Bye"

"I'm so happy for you. I'm happy that you got back everything that you lost. I know you want me to have a second chance too. But my heart is yours Bree. It will always be yours. I can't give that to someone else"

"I cried today. Imagine a man in his early thirties crying. Weird right. I cried today because for the first time I felt hopeless. I know I don't think of you at every waking moment anymore. I've learned to live with the pain. But today, when I came to know that I am sick, when I realised that I might die without meeting you again, I broke down remembering you. I want to come to you. I want to hold you and cry and tell you that I'm scared. Scared not because I'm dying, but scared of ending up in darkness. Alone. Scared of losing you forever. And scared that my mistakes are way too much to keep me away from my family, even after death. I want to meet Hope and Dad. But I'm scared that they will be in a place where people like me wouldn't be allowed.

I...I miss you Bree. I miss you so damn much."

"Goodbye sweetheart. I guess I have to finally leave now"

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