Bonus chapter:1

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*3 months after Sharon and Adam were arrested.

Sabrina's pov

My therapist told me that someone's bad past can't be their excuse to hurt others. That everyone goes through pain, but it depends upon them whether their pain makes them stronger or just plain bitter. And because of this, she told me to let go of the guilt associated with Shirley and Adam. But no matter what, I couldn't stop thinking about the what ifs?

What if I was the one who was taken by my mother that night? What if I was the one who went through all these abuse? Would I be the same person now? Or would I be the exact same like Shirley?

What if I was the one who was under the misconception that Adam betrayed me? What if I lost someone so close to me? Would I have turned to cruel methods of revenge like Adam did?

I knew I wouldn't get these answers. But I needed something to keep me sane. And so because I couldnt meet Adam, I decided to go meet Shirley instead


Shirley was being treated for her mental unstability and although I would never forgive her for what she did, I was happy that she would be better. Eventually.

"Why are you here?" She questioned me, as soon as she was brought to the room I was in

"I...I wanted to see you," I softly spoke, my gaze momentarily shifting to the nurses beside her

"Ya right. Or are you here to gloat?"

"I...," I started, but immediately got uncomfortable due to the other people present

"Can we...can we talk alone?" I asked them

"We will be right outside the door," one of them spoke as they walked out

Immediately Shirley sat in the seat infront of me, looking totally uninterested in whatever I had to say

"I am not here to gloat. You, you are my sister. All these years, I thought you were dead and..."

"And you lived the life which was supposed to be mine"

"No you are wrong"

She just rolled her eyes

"I am sorry for whatever you had to go through. I know my life was nowhere near as hard as yours, but trust me, your loss affected us more than you know"

"Oh ya. You guys cried for a month maybe and then moved on right"

"No. Mom...your mom. She never got over your death. She missed you so much that she started hating me. Because she blamed me for your death. And I know why. My biological mother was there to take me, and I can't begin to describe how sorry I am for what you had go through. And how angry I am at our parents for whatever they did. To us"

Her eyes turned glossy at my words but she just shook her head as she spoke again,

"You may feel sorry for me. Everyone may feel sorry for me. But they dont understand what I had to go through. The hatred I had within myself was lethal. I tried so fucking hard to let it go. But you know what, it never did."

"Then let me help you. Let others help you to let this hatred go."

"What's the point now? Even if I can remove this hatred now, it won't change anything I did. It won't change anything. Tell me, will you forgive me for everything I did if I just I don't know change"

"I don't know. But I can try to. Just like you can try to change"

She went silent after I said that, seeming to be deep in her thoughts

"I did, you know. I did try to change. For Lia. But it didn't work. And now I have lost her forever. And this loss was the only one completely because of my own fault. And this was the most painful of them all"

"I know. Nothing compares to this pain"

She looked at me angrily as I said that,

"No you don't. You don't know this pain. You have my Lia as your daughter. And you have your own child with Adam. You don't know how it feels when your child is taken away from me. It feels like your..."

"Soul is being ripped off," I completed for her as a sad smile morphed into my face

"Believe me. I know exactly how it feels"

"What do you mean?"

"Adam. He...he blamed me for his father's death. You know that already. That's what you wanted right. And my baby, Hope, he never let me see her"

"Even now? After the truth is out "

"Now it's not in his hand anymore"

"What do you..."

"She is gone. She passed away when she a month old. She had a heart condition and I...I never got to see her when she was alive."

There was an eerie silence between us as I said that which she finally broke,

"I...I'm sorry. For everything I did. You know, when Lia was born, I held her and I...I felt so happy at that moment. For a while, everything I had done. But then, all these voices started screaming. Screaming at me. Telling me that I was a murderer. Telling me that I would do to Lia what mom had done to me. And I just couldn't stay there anymore. I left her and even then, I blamed everything on you. And now, after years of hating you, I finally understand how stupid I was. But it's just...its too late"

"It's never late to be better"

She just smiled as I said that,

"I know you want to help me. But trust me, it is late. Too fucking late. Thank you for coming here. But just, please don't come back"

I wanted to object to that when she continued,

"I am trying to forget. I know I was stupid when I blamed you...but the remnants of hate which I have inside me, it will take a long time to go. Just don't come back. Let me forget my life. My past."

"Is that what you want?"

"Yes," she whispered,"Just take care of Lia for me. And don't come back. Thats all I ask of you"

I wanted to argue with her. I wanted to say her that I would be back. But somewhere, I knew, that if this is what she wanted, I should give her that.

And so, I nodded as I left her and promised her to never be back


Sharon's time in prison was cut short due to her past mental health. But nonetheless, she was jailed for twenty long years. Her crime being the murder of Damien Black and attempted murder of Sabrina May, now better known as Ava Martinez.

She was forty two when she was finally freed.

At first it was hard for her, trying to start a life again after everything she had lost. But soon she figured everything out too.

She started a bakery, similar to the one her step mother had. And although Sabrina promised to never see her again, she didn't hold back in helping her to mend her life. Draco had provided her with whatever help she needed with her business, due to Sabrina's request

And with that help, she started a new life. Letting go of the past she had. And although she never forgave herself or her parents, she was better now. And that's all that mattered. For now...

All the happy and goofy bonus chapters will be here too. But I wanted to write a chapter for Sharon too. What are your opinions on her?

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