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Adam's pov

As soon as Sabrina clasped around my body, I momentarily froze. Partly because, I didn't expect this even in my wildest imaginations. And partly because, I just stood there reminiscing all the other times she hugged me before. The times she used to hug me for comfort, the times when she used to hug me out of gratefulness. And the times she used to hug me simply because she loved me.

She soon realised what she had done, as she unwrapped herself from my body and moved away from me. And as soon as she did that, I found myself missing the warmth of her body. But I wouldn't dare say it out aloud.

Her gaze was gentle, as she looked towards my direction and spoke, for the first time in 8 months, with happiness lacing her voice. And what she said warmed my heart. It was just a simple 'thank you'. But somehow , it meant much much more.

Last night when I was sitting beside her, while she was busy conversing with Jay, I could feel the misery in her tone. Her eyes were red and puffy as she was on the brink of tears, and somehow that sight affected me more than it should.

And when she looked towards my direction, with that accusatory glare, uttering the words which were a complete lie, I felt a shooting pain in my heart.

Yes Jay. I am happy. Very very happy.

She wasn't. She wasn't happy. I made sure of that.

But somehow it still hurt me to see her hurting. It hurt to see her puffy eyes filled with tear, her expression filled with pain, even though I planned to fill her life with more misery.

And I will. Nothing could stop that. It was inevitable. She would be punished

But still, I found myself longing to give her happiness, even if it would only last momentarily. I wanted to relieve her burden for a while.

I knew what I wanted was not right, but what else could I do? I was already on the brink of sanity. And if giving her a tiny bit of happiness kept me sane, then so be it.

And because of all this I arranged a trip to her old house. And somehow I felt an extreme exhilarating joy seeing her happy.

Sabrina's pov

Remember how I said I was never a big fan on surprises. Well right now, I would say I don't necessarily mind them.

Afterall, how could I? I had recieved the most wonderful surprise in a while. I was in the passenger seat of a car Adam was driving, and I was on the way to finally meet my brother after eight long months of wait and struggle.

I know I should've been sceptical about Adam's announcement. Afterall, how could I trust him after everything he had done to me? But somehow at that moment I did not care. I did not care if this was another one of Adam's malignant ploy. Because even if there was a one percent possibility of me meeting my brother, I was ready to take that. It didn't matter what I would have to pay for it later on.

I looked out of the window and noticed the scenery changing infront of me. I recognised all the familiar roads through which it had been ages since I travelled. It warmed my heart to know that I was finally going to meet someone who does not hate me, who does not accuse me of things that I did not do.

Suddenly a thought popped into my mind. Jay turned fourteen yesterday, and I was so foolish that I forgot to get him a present on the way.

Instantaneously I turned my gaze towards Adam. I did not know whether I should vocalise my thoughts or not. Adam has been more generous to me than his usual self today. I did not want to push my luck by asking him for anything more.

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