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Ava's pov

As soon as those words left Adam's mouth, I was stunned.

I took a step back trying to comprehend what was just said, paying no heed to the fight going on infront of me.

Wife? What did he mean by his wife? His wife is dead. How can I be...?

All these thoughts kept circulating in my mind and when I couldn't control myself anymore, I screamed out,


Immediately both of them halted in their actions and looked towards me. As both of them were marching forward towards me, I don't know what came over me. But I went ahead and slapped Adam right across his face.

"Are you out of your mind," I shouted out

Draco didn't say a word. He just stood there watching us both as it happened. And surprisingly, Adam was not at all angry at my actions.

"I don't know what misconception you have. But I am not your wife. And how dare you kiss me?"

Adam still didn't look angry. He just looked sad and broken. When I saw him more clearly, I could see the remnants of tears on his face.

"Sweetheart," he lightly called out. His eyes glistening in the light

And just as he said that word, I felt my heart hammering against my chest. I took a sharp intake of breath and for some reason, my eyes turned moist but I blinked that away.

"They...they told me you are dead. All of them. And I...I was so so broken my love."

"I am not your late wife Mr.Black," I said, more bluntly than I would've wanted to.

He lightly took my hand in his after he heard my statement. Immediately Draco was about to intervene when I gave him a look, which clearly told I did not want a fight to take place here. And he understood as he stopped on his track.

"I know. I know you are angry with me. Hell you have every right to. But please. Please don't say those words Bree. I missed you. I missed you so so much."

And with those words he was about to move forward to embrace me in a hug when I took a few steps back. He seemed taken aback by my actions as he lowered his hands in disappointment.

"I am Ava. Not Bree. Or Sabrina or whatever your wife is called. I think you are confused here."

Even though I said those words, a part of me was screaming at me. Telling me to listen to his words. And to see whether there was any truth in them. After all, this was the reason why I wanted to talk to him. Didn't I? To find more about myself.

Before he could say a word more, Draco walked ahead, clearly agitated by our conversation.

"That's right," he said as he came to stand beside me, "she is Ava. My Ava. My girlfriend."

As those words left his mouth, Adam looked more tired and weak than ever. But soon this changed as his facial muscle twitched to make him look completely furious.

"You," he muttered angrily, as he held Draco by his collars.

And before they could fight once more, I went between them as I held Adam's hands to stop him

"Mr.Black you have gone crazy. Stop it"

Surprisingly Draco didn't adjoin in fighting once more like before. He looked...relieved. But why?

"Leave my hand Bree. I will kill him. How dare he touch you?"

"If you ever loved your wife, you will leave him right now."

And just as I said those words, he left Draco's collar and moved back trying to calm himself.

And at this moment, I took some time to look between him and Draco. Whereas Adam looked desperate with sorrow clearly marring his face, Draco looked calm and collective. I could even see a tiny smirk forming on his lips. It was a victorious grin which he gave as he looked at Adam.

"Bree. I...I love you. Just come back to me. You can hit me, be angry at me, make me do whatever you want, just dont...dont do this. Don't pretend as if you don't know me. You don't know how painful my days were without you. When I thought...when I thought you were gone."

"But I don't. I don't know you. I am sorry for your wife. I really am. But I...I am not her. And you need to accept that."

I expected him to turn angry or perhaps turn more hurt at my words. But surprisingly, he gave no reaction for a while. He was silent for a few seconds, just staring at my eyes for a while. Even if he didn't say anything, his eyes spoke clearly to me. I could see the love he had for whoever this Bree was in his eyes.

He broke his stare after which he brought his phone out and fiddled through it.

"You are my wife Bree. Maybe you have forgotten about it in anger for me. And I don't blame you for this anger. But I will always be here reminding you how much I love you for the rest of my life," he spoke as he forwarded his phone onto my hand.

And just as he placed his phone on my hand, Draco snatched his phone away from me.

"What the hell is this. Some sloppy photoshop. You expect us to believe that," he screamed furiously at Adam

But what Draco didn't realise was I had already a peak of the picture Adam was showing. It was a picture of him in a tuxedo and me standing beside him in a large white gown.

And just as I saw that picture, a shooting pain went through my skull as I suddenly saw myself in that exact gown. I saw myself standing in front of a mirror where I was smiling looking at myself.

I clutched my forehead with my hand, but none of them noticed that.

Adam was screaming at Draco while Draco was responding too. But I couldn't make out any words that they spoke.

The pain kept flaring up as the scene repeated itself infront of my eyes. And just when it was too much to bear, I heard him say,

"You knew her. You knew her and yet you took advantage of her broken state. You scumbag"

And that is when I screamed out. Screamed out of pain and fell on my knees


Immediately both of them came towards my side, worry clearly showing itself on their faces

They kept asking me what was wrong and whether I was okay. But their words made me feel more worse every passing second. It amplified my pain even more

"Take me home Draco. Take me home," I lightly muttered as the pain became more and more unbearable.

"NO. I wont let you go anywhere with this man."

"You can't do anything about it Adam. She lives with me and she had been living with me all this time."

Before he could say anything more, I clutched Adam's hand and spoke out,

"Please Adam"

"Sweetheart," he was about to call out when I found myself losing consciousness as my head fell right on his shoulder.

And soon everything blacked out from my vision.

But not before I lightly whispered only for him to hear,

"We'll talk"

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Bye. I love you💕💕

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