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Sabrina's pov

We finally reached our destination. The place which I once called home. Although it wasn't much of a home to me either. I was just happy that I would meet Jay.

As I approached the dormant structure, the happiness soon washed away and a strong feeling of dread passed through me.

I noticed every little thing. The distinct marks of decay, the minute fungi growing on a tiny part of the exterior of the house. All the little details which I grew to be accustomed to

I hesitantly took one step at a time towards the gate of my old house. Or perhaps my old prison.

Adam walked along with me. And although he was one of my biggest fear when we were solitary from the rest of the world, today I felt safe with him. And I desperately wanted that feeling. The feeling of being safe. Safe from none other than my parents.

As I held up my hand up to ring the bell, a sudden force stopped me from doing so. It didn't affect me physically. But mentally, it did not allow me to do what I had planned. It just kept traumatising me with the various different scenarios which might happen when this door opened. How will Jay react? How will my parents react? What if everything is revealed infront of Adam?

As I was deeply immersed in my thoughts, Adam did not wait for me, as he sauntered ahead and rang the bell for me, easing my pain, and at the same time increasing my worry.

I gulped looking at his direction, worried that the door might open any moment. But he just gave me a reassuring smile as he gently held my hand in his. Immediately, sparks flew through my veins and I could feel butterflies in my stomach. I closed my eyes, hoping to stop these emotions from arising, the emotions which were the cause of my misery now.

All of a sudden, I heard a sound of the knob turning and that is when the door opened. And their stood infront of me my small brother, Jay

His expression clearly depicted how shocked he was to see to me. At first he didn't move even a bit, he was immobile in his position. It was almost as if he was scrutinizing me for a while, making sure that the person standing infront of him was really me.

And when the shock wore off, he jumped ahead to engulf me in a hug. Immediately a tear rolled down my cheek as I finally found myself physically beside him. I couldn't believe I was finally seeing him.

Through my teary gaze, I glanced towards Adam and smiled. And through that smile, he knew, he knew I was grateful, grateful to meet Jay.

"Woah big guy. Let your sister breath for a while," Adam chuckled.

Jay immediately left me and slightly rubbed his head, smiling at both our directions.

"Why are we standing here. Come on in you both"

"Uh Jay," I spoke hesitantly," Where's everyone else?"

"Don't worry. No one else is at home. Dad went to Texas for some work few days back. He would be upset though. That you came home when he wasn't around. He missed you. And mom is out grocery shopping."

I sighed in relief as he said that although I highly doubted that dad missed me. At least I wont have to face their wrath while I was here spending my time with Jay. I could peacefully enjoy the limited amount of time I had with him.

And that is what I did. After strolling inside, me and Adam had a small celebration for Jay's belated birthday. We sang the birthday song for him, and he was clearly embarrassed by it. But it didn't really matter.

We enjoyed together, laughed together, played some of our own made up games, took numerous amount of pictures making funny faces together, made fun by reminiscing all the funny incidents from our childhood.

And within all this, I forgot the present situation of my life. I forgot the pain, the heartache and every single problem in my life. In that moment, I was happy. Completely happy with not a single worry of the world.

And my happiness kept incrementing with the passage of time. It kept increasing when I was pretending to be angry after continuosly losing in all the games we played , it kept growing when I playfully hit Adam for trying to cheat in monopoly and he just responded by sticking out his tongue, it kept shooting up when all three of us laughed our heart out at all of the funny jokes being exchanged.

At that moment, I was euphoric. It felt as if nothing could stop me from being this happy. In that moment, I began thinking that this was the reality of my life.

But alas!I was terribly wrong.

We were so immersed within ourselves that we did not hear when the door opened and when walked in none other than my mom

When I was busy laughing with them, my gaze suddenly fell upon a figure, standing at the corner, scrutinizing us. And immediately I gulped, jumping onto my feet

My mother looked angry. And I knew the reason why. She did not expect to see me today. Hell she didn't want to see me any day. She was so happy when I was getting married, thinking she finally got rid of me. But me being here clearly jeopardized her plan.

She was about to storm towards my direction, when suddenly I felt bile rise up my throat and I ran to the washroom ,unintentionally pushing her on the way.

I immediately puked my guts out after reaching there. The stale smell of vomit filled my nostrils as I kept gargling trying to remove it from my mouth.

What was wrong with me? I mean I have been scared and nervous before, but never to the extent that I start vomiting. And who am I getting scared from? The woman I already bore my entire life.

Well that woman will definitely live a hundred years because as I was thinking about her, she came and stood behind me, glaring me through the washroom mirror.

"What are you doing here?" She gritted

I turned away from the mirror to finally look at her, properly this time. I should not and will not back down infront of her.

"I am here to meet Jay."

"Jay lives in my house. And as far as I remember, you are not invited here."

I chuckled humorlessly at her words. As I looked towards her, I was strongly reminded of the old lady I met at the bakery. How different she is to her.

While my mother had dark auburn hair and dark eyes, a feature which everyone in my family had besides me, her hair was dirty blonde like mine and eyes were a stormy grey. While my mother was always rude, she was sweet and soft spoken. If only I could exchange my mother with her.

"Jay is my brother. And if I have to meet him, I will."

"Jay is my son. And I will not be spoken to like that. It will be better if you leave right now, before I throw you out of my house."

"You know what. I will leave. I don't want to spend my time around a woman who is so hateful of her own child. Around a woman who is a disgrace in the name of the mother"

Saying that, I marched towards the washroom door to leave. As I pressed my hand against the door knob, trying to open it, she spoke something which shook me to the core

" Just a few months along and you already think you are a great mother to lecture me on how I should be."

Immediately I froze. I didn't comprehend at first what she just said. But soon realization sinked in. Did she really just imply that I was...No. It can't be

"What are you talking about?" I inquired

"Oh. So now you think you can hide this from me. I can clearly understand from your face"

"Understand what?"

"Don't pretend to be oblivious in front of me. I can already tell that you are pregnant."

Dun Dun Dunn
I was leaving subtle hints for you guys to catch on. And some of you already guessed it. Which is why I purposely did not reply to the comments.

What do you think will happen next?

A small request. Please make my follower count to 200🙏🙏

And pretty please vote and comment ❤❤❤

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