Bonus chapter 2

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(Liams birth)

Sabrina's pov

I was profusely sweating as I kept pushing by the instruction of the doctor. With each contraction came a pain that dominated my entire being. I could hear Draco murmuring about how strong I was as he kept holding onto my hand. But I made no effort to reply.

I was just breathing erratically, trying to think about anything else but the pain

And after a long time, the pain finally subsided as I heard the cry of my child. My baby boy

As soon as my eyes fell on him, tears pooled my eyes as a hearty smile broke onto my lips.

Immediately I looked towards Draco who was smiling through his tears too. He leaned towards me and softly kissed my lips as we both saw our child for the first time

"Congratulations on your baby," the nurse beamed as she finally advanced towards me to let me hold my baby

But before I could carry him, my hands started shivering. I had never carried a newborn before, never cared for one. And although I should've be given that chance, I was robbed of it

"I...I'm scared I'll hurt him," I meekly told Draco.

Draco just kissed my forehead as he reassured me that I would be fine, and that I wouldn't hurt him

And after his constant reassurance, I finally carried my baby in my arms.

And just after looking at him, my heart gave a giant lurch. More tears made their way down my cheeks as my heart became overwhelmed with emotions.

The first thing I noticed were his eyes. His eyes. The next thing I noticed were his tiny hands and fingers and how small he was in the giant expanse of things. He was perfect. He was a part of me.

The nurse directed me and helped me breastfeed him, and although everything was scary, I was overjoyed to finally experience all this.

And after everything was done, he was taken for checkup as I was left with Draco.

And that is when all the emotions started piling up even more.

I covered my mouth with the back of my hand as I started sobbing profusely. Draco immediately wrapped his arms around me, not questioning me once about distress because he knew the cause of my tears.


Holding my baby boy, looking into his eyes, hearing his cries, feeding him for the first time made me think about all those things which I couldn't give my Hope. It made me remember that Hope never recieved a mother's love. And my heart still ached for her.

Why did Adam have to do this to me? To us? Any means of revenge could be forgotten, but how could I ever forget my first child?

And although Adam was the cause of my pain, at that moment I couldnt help but think about him. I knew Adam loved our child just as much as I did. And finally getting a part of my happiness back, I couldn't help but wonder whether he was getting it too

I hoped he was, because no matter what he had done to me, I wanted him to get better and have a second chance with someone else, just like I got mine with Draco


"He is soooo small. I am sure I wasn't this small. Was I mom?," Lia beamed as she kept staring at her little brother in the crib

I laughed a little at her statement.

"All babies are small Lia"

"Well I was a giant baby then"

To this Draco, who was standing beside her replied, "yes. You were so huge that we needed five people to carry you"

Lia frowned at that as she came and sat besides and hugged me.

"Mom. He is so cute right?"

"Yes sweetheart. He is"

"So now that you have a cute baby to love, will you and dad not love me anymore"

"Lia. You will always be our baby too. We will love you even more now. Right Draco?"

"Yes princess," he spoke as he walked towards us and kissed each of our forehead

"You are our first baby. We will always love you. Okay princess. Tell us what you want to name your brother"

"HAGRID!" she exclaimed loudly

"Why Hagrid?" I questioned

"Because he is kind and sweet and he always helps Harry"

"But don't you think he is too tiny for that name? And you do know right that dad here is named Draco. Harry's enemy"

"Oh. Dad is an exception for it. But baby needs a small name then. Like my name. I know. We will name him Liammm."

Immediately I knew that was the perfect name. I looked at Draco who smiled too at that name. He liked it too

"My princess is the best at selecting names"

"Does that mean you will name him Liam?"

"Yes. He will be our little Liam Martinez"

"Yayyy," she screamed in happiness and I laughed seeing her excitement

"My brother is Liam Hagrid Martinez"

"Wait. Hagrid?!" Draco questioned

A small cute chapter

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