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Adam's pov

I was now sitting besides Sabrina, feeding her the chicken soup which I tried to make as delicious as possible. Although I know it will taste nothing compared to the food she makes.

She was barely eating anything, and I knew why. She was still very eager to get atleast a glimpse of Hope. And she didn't want to be around me after whatever happened between us before Hope's birth.

I forwarded my hand to run my hand through her hair. But as soon as it neared her face, she flinched away and immediately my heart clenched at that sight. Disappointed, I bought my hand back and tried to feed her one more spoon which she was constantly denying.

"Sabrina. You need to recover right," I spoke as gently as possible. "So please have this. You need your energy. And this soup is very good for your health."

She just nodded her head in dismissal.

"Sweetheart please."

"Why do you care? And stop calling me sweetheart" She muttered almost inaudibly, but I heard it quite well.

Why do I care? A question about which I wondered alot myself. I don't right? I don't care about her. It's just she is very weak right now. And she gave me my child. Yes. That's the only reason. That's the only reason why I wanted her health back.

"Can we please meet Hope now?" She pleaded in a small voice.

The way she asked, I wanted to take her to meet Hope at that exact moment. I wanted to take her and show the little ball of sunshine we recieved. But I know I wouldn't do that. Not now. And not anytime soon.

"I will talk to the doctors alright. But please finish the soup now."

She nodded and complied with my words.

As I was busy feeding her, a nurse walked into the room catching my attention.

"Mr.Black. The doctor wants to see you"

I nodded and then she left the room.

"I will be back soon," I said her, as I left the room to go meet the doctor.

The doctor, who was waiting outside the room, gave me a grim expression as soon as I walked out.

"Is everything alright?" I asked, worried for my daughter's health, along with my wife's.

"I am afraid to say. No sir. There is an issue I was meaning to talk to you. About Hope."

"Hope. What's wrong with her? Is she okay? What happened?" I questioned frantically.

"As you know, due to high levels of stress hormones, Mrs.Black gave birth way before the due date. And this has affected Hope's health."

"Wh...what are you talking about?" I stuttered

"In adults, the heart is seperated into left and right part by septum. Now in fetuses, there is a gap between them which is filled by the time the baby is born. But as Hope was premature, this is not the case."

"Wh..what do you mean. What effect does it have on her health?"

"Now. Usually, if this gap is between the atria, it is not that harmful and can be fixed later in life through surgery. But in Hope's case, it is between the ventricle. And since she is a premature child, we cannot perform any surgery on her until she is atleast 2 months old. Although, we will try our best, this may prove to be fatal for her."

Immediately my blood boiled as I held the doctor by his collar.

"How dare you," I gritted," if anything happens to my Hope, I swear I will kill you and every single person working in this hospital."

"S..sir please," he uttered, obviously scared as he knew the power I had," we will try our best. But we can't promise anything."


"O..okay sir."

I left his collar as I ran a hand through my hair in frustration and worry.

"Take me to her," I said.

The doctor nodded taking me to the room covered in glass walls where Hope was kept in a small incubator. I wasn't allowed to go inside, but I silently watched her from outside.

Placing a hand on the wall, I sighed. My little tiny princess. I won't let anything happen to her. I won't. I won't.

As I kept staring at her, suddenly Sabrina's tearful face flashed infront of my eyes as I immediately closed them shut. My hands balled into a fist as the pain in my heart grew.

It is all my fault. My fault that my Hope is hurting .

I didn't realise when tears made their way down my cheeks, but I immediately wiped them, leaving the place as I could not bare to see her anymore with the guilt growing within me.

Slowly, I walked back to the room Sabrina was in. As I entered, I saw her eyes were closed as she was fast asleep due to weakness .

Walking towards her, I sat besides her, just taking my time to stare at her for a while.

I wanted to hug her and ask for comfort. I wanted someone to hold onto. But I knew I couldn't expect anything from her.

Why? Why did she have to betray me ? We would've been so much happier now. Hope would be okay. Dad would've been there with us. Everything would be so much more happier.

But she ruined it all. She ruined it all for me

And here I am, still wanting to just hold her close to me, to feel her warmth. I really am a fool. A fool who once fell in love with a wrong person.

Forwarding my hand to her face, I lightly ran my hand through her face, as she moved in her sleep, probably disturbed by my intrusion.

At that moment once more her tear stained face flashed in front of my eyes. Her tear stained face when I was holding her hair in a fist.

"How could you? M..my baby. I would die before hurting her. I swear Adam it wasn't me in the video. You can't even see my face Adam. H..how can you trust the video?"

I remembered her exact words.

And at that moment, my guilt grew more. I don't know whether she would hurt Hope or not. But I did. Way more than she could.

Not being able to keep looking at her anymore with the growing regret, I stormed out of the room.

Walking out, I immediately brought my phone out as I called my private detective.

"I need the whole video.I don't care how you get it. But I need it. And I need it quick"

So I kinda made up many of the medical stuffs. But it's my book so I guess I can😂

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