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Six months later

Sabrina's pov

Six months. It has been exactly six months since I got married. And in these six months, my life was completely altered.

I wish I could say it changed for the better. I wish I could say my life was filled joy and happiness.

But I couldn't.

I just left one hell to enter a worst kind of hell than it all.

And the reason for this was the man whom I once dearly loved. Who was once everything my heart ever desired.

My Adam.


What could I possibly say to describe how he was now. He was just so so changed than the man I once knew.

But weirdly enough, I got used to the new him. I implanted in my brain that this is reality. That my best friend was no more. That now there was someone else , someone much more crueler in my best friend's body. The man who was the reason of my misery.

Adam did not touch me again after our wedding night. His actions displayed as if he was burned by the slight touch from my fingers. He would barely look at me properly now.

If this was before, it would have deeply bothered me. But now I didn't care. For I knew very well the pain he could inflict on me with his touches.

But this didn't change the way he behaved with me.

Just because he refused to inflict any kind of physical pain on me, did not mean he refrained from hurting me mentally.

And his first step at this mental torture was forcing me to quit my job.

I cried. I begged. I pleaded numerous number of times infront of him. I needed this job . More than he knew. I needed to feel alive. I needed interactions with people who do not despise me or want to hurt me.

But he seemed deaf to hear my pleas. He just didn't care. And of course. He had one main weapon which he would always use to make me comply to his orders.

The life of Jay in his hand.

His next step was more brutal. He restricted me from any kind of interactions with the outside world. He took away my phone and laptop. There was no means for me to contact the outside world. The last time I went out was three months back when I attended Adam's business party, forcefully ofcourse. But that seems forever ago now.

I became just like a bird who was kept imprisoned within this huge cage.

But the worst part of it all was I couldn't even properly contact my little brother. He did not even let me talk to the Jay who was the only reason behind my living. After continuous begging for several days, he finally consented me to talk to Jay once every month but that too under his watch.

I couldn't complain to him though. Yes, I did not wish to live like this. This life was breaking me from inside day by day. But he could have done worse. He would do worse if I complained.

And that was the only thing I was holding on to. Adam could have done worse. But he didn't. And because of this I can't break. I have to find my escape, by hook or by crook.

Adam's pov

Six months .

Six months ago, I took the biggest step in my game of revenge. And my life has not been the same ever since.

I thought marrying Sabrina and hurting her would bring me the sweet satisfaction of victory. That I will finally feel accomplished for punishing the woman who not only betrayed me but is also the murderer of my father.

But I was wrong. I was terribly wrong .

I realised just few days after our wedding that hurting her physically was out of context. Her each cry of pain, each shriek, hurt me more than I let on. It didn't satisfy me, but it rather made me feel disgusted by my self.

But that didn't stop me from finding other ways to hurt her. Other ways to break her.

I would deliberately torture her emotionally, hoping for her to finally break down and confess her crimes. Because that is what I desired most. I wanted her to confess her sins with her own mouth.

And I will reach there. Soon. I was yet to find the perfect weapon to break her completely. But I will.

For even though she was once the love of my life, it will never change the fact that she is the murderer of my father too.

And so no matter how long it takes, I will find the weapon and attack her where it will hurt her the most.

And only then this game of revenge will finally be completed.


Six months in hell for Sabrina.

What do you think Adam's weapon will be? How do you think he will break her completely?

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