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Sabrina's pov

I was never a big fan of surprises. Well I never really had any wonderful ones. Only a few. It was mostly painful, shocking surprises which hurt me to the core

But this was the worst of them all.

This brought me the kind of pain I never felt before. This was just too much.

As I looked into Adam's eyes, I recognised all the foreign emotions within them which I before failed to notice on our wedding day.

They were hatred. Vengeance . And disgust

I couldn't comprehend what gruesome act I had done to make him hate me. I have never done anything to hurt him. Seeing him hurt, hurt me more. So how could I do anything to him? What was the reason behind his hatred.

Or maybe he never loved me at all.

Maybe he was just like my parents. Hating me for my mere existence.

But the worst part of all this was I couldn't do anything about it. I couldn't even fight for myself. For he had my family's life in his hand, along with mine.


"This is your schedule. Read it properly, because you have to follow it," Adam spoke with great authority in his voice.

I was confused by his words.


"What are you surprised for? I expect some things from you and you have to do it"

"I'm not following some stupid schedule!" I shouted angrily

And smack!

My words were answered by getting backhanded from Adam. A cry of pain left my lips. It hurt too much. Both physically and emotionally.

After that he roughly fisted my hair in his hand as if he wanted to uproot them and brought my face close to his.

"If you know what is best for you, you will do as I say. Understand?"

"You are an asshole," I whispered

He tightly held my jaw in his hand as I said that.

"Mind your language with me. Got it?"

Not knowing what else to do, I nodded even though I didn't want to.

After my nod of approval, he let me go and handed me back the paper which had my so called "Schedule"

My vision was blurry with all the tears but still I held the paper with my shaking hands and started reading it.

And what I saw baffled me. There was no way in hell I would do this. I was not his slave to do all this.

I was supposed to wake up at 5 every morning and clean the entire huge house. I was then supposed to prepare breakfast for him. After he had his food, I could only eat his leftovers. I was then supposed to iron and keep his clothes ready for work. As soon as he returned, he should have a bath drawn for him and his food prepared. And before he could finish his food, I was supposed to wait on the bed, naked like a whore , for him to do whatever he pleases with me...

As I finished reading, my tears increased, falling profusely onto the paper.

This man who was my bestfriend since childhood, who held me when I was upset, who promised to love me no matter what, wanted to turn me to a mere slave. He wanted to turn me into a doll whom he could do whatever he pleased to.

My stance broke when Adam spoke again,

"This is just a simple schedule. I will do more with you. I will want more from you. And believe me sweetheart, if you ever defy me, you will be punished so severely that you will regret ever being born."

"I don't care about any punishment. I'm not doing this Adam"

"You have to"

"No I don't. You fucking raped me last night and you expect me to worship you and do whatever you please. No. I can't and I won't. Even if I don't get a divorce, I'm leaving. I won't stay here"

He just calmly replied, "I won't let you"

"I wasn't asking for your permission"

He smiled at my words

"Listen to me sweetheart because I won't be repeating myself again. If you want Jay to be safe along with your parents, you will do as I say"

"You are just bluffing. You won't do anything"

"Oh try me"

I felt my eyes get teary eyed as he said that.

"What went wrong Adam? Between us. What did I do that you had to resort to being this monster"

"Not as big of a monster as you are. So tell me, do you want to test my abilities. Should I make a call to right now to perhaps lets say, what should I do? Send someone to break Jay's leg"

"NOO," I immediately screamed

"Don't hurt him. Please"

"I won't. If you listen to me"

I didnt reply anything to that. I had no words left.

"Oh I see. Becoming obedient now are we?"

I glared at him at his words. The only reason I wasn't saying anything was because of Jay. I had to control myself, for I wouldn't forgive myself if something happened to him because of me.

He continued,

"So what are you waiting for. You are supposed to listen to me right. Strip!"

Pre cap

"I'm sorry", he whispered

I hate Adam right now. What are your thoughts on him?

And what do you think about a chapter with Adam's pov?

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