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Sabrina's pov

I woke up quite early this morning, only to spend time in complete isolation and misery.

Today was just like any other day. Waking up early, cleaning the entire house and making Adam breakfast. I often contemplated to add poison to his food. But not only did I not have access to it, I couldn't bring myself to kill him or anyone else.

The only difference of today was, Adam was still home after having his food.

In the past six months, not one day did Adam stay home after having breakfast. Be it a weekday or weekend. He always left me alone to be completely isolated in my very own prison.

Not that his staying would have created any difference. We both ignored each other, talking only when there was a need to. Only when he had to punish me in a way, and only when I had to beg him for something.

I thought today would be the exact same. But I was wrong.

Adam stayed rooted to his seat, even after he finished having food. He stance showed as if he was in deep thoughts. Perhaps he was wondering some new method to hurt me, and break my dignity. Or perhaps it was just some mindless pondering I did not know about.

As I was busy scrutinizing his expressions, standing from at a corner of the living room, his eyes moved up and towards my direction.

Immediately my breathe hitched. He never really bothered giving me a second glance before, then why was he looking directly towards my direction?

"You", he commanded, " Come over here."

At first my legs refused to move. I was more or less confused with what he had asked me to do. And this halted any movement from my side.

But as soon as his stare altered to frown and then to a glare, I knew it would be stupid to keep standing at the same position.

I immediately strolled to a position near him. And that is when he left his seat to hold my hand and pull a chair out for me.

I was confused. What is he doing?

He motioned for me to take a seat, and without any further questions I obliged taking a seat in the table.

"Have your breakfast," he spoke in a calm collected manner.

But it scared me more as I wondered whether this was the calm before the storm.

"I..you...you want me to have breakfast in your presence?"

"Yes, I do"

I didn't question him any further. I just silently sat and he resumed sitting on his chair.

Slowly, I started having my food with him staring at me. His unfaltering gaze made me feel self conscious as I remembered this was the first time I was having my food in front of him after our marriage.

A complete silence was reigning over the room, as I proceeded having my food as fast as I could so that I could escape this terribly awkward situation.

But my plans ended in misery, because as soon as my meal ended, Adam spoke breaking the silence.

"I have a party today."


"More like a business party. But it's more important than the one I had last time and it's definitely going to be grander. "

I didn't know what to say so I just hummed in response.

I remembered the last one which I was forced to attend. It was a very small gathering which didn't really classify as a business party. But Adam wanted me around to boast me infront of his revered colleagues. Maybe he will want me in this one as well for that exact reason.

"I will get an award there. And so I need you to be there with me."

"Whatever", I lightly whispered.

Suddenly he clutched my wrist applying pressure on it. A small whimper left my lips.

"Don't try to create any mess there. And remember, you are Adam Black's wife. Act like it."

I nodded frantically wanting to get out of the situation as fast I could.

Soon he left my hand, got up from his seat and left leaving me alone.


I was standing infront of my wardrobe, staring intently at it, hoping to find a outfit which would match up to "Adam's standards"

I didn't want to attend whatever business party Adam told me about. I knew that I would just be a trophy wife and I didn't want that.

But alas! We don't always get what we want.

And right now the exact same thing was happening, as I did not find a single outfit posh enough for the setting.

I didn't want to embarrass Adam at the event, for I knew he would kill me if I would do that. But seeing my current situation, I don't think I have much of a choice. For whatever outfit I would choose, would embarrass him enough, for my actions to do anything further.

But soon my thoughts stopped as a group of professional looking woman entered the room. They had some type of outfit which was covered in their hand and they walked straight upto me.

One of the woman out of them then spoke, "Ma'am, Mr. Black sent us here to make sure you look beautiful enough for him at the event. He also sent a dress"

Although those words were hurtful, I was just relieved to have an outfit approved by Adam and someone to help me get ready.

And I did. I got ready with their help and now I was here waiting at the living room for Adam to arrive.

I feel like the chapter is not good enough. But trust me, the next few chapters will be worth it

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