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*there will be lots of shift in pov. Please keep a look on that
*mature and dark content ahead. Skip the chapter if you feel uncomfortable.

Sabrina's pov

I was waiting in Adam's room for him to come. Wait, let me rephrase that. I was waiting in our room for Adam to come.

A range of emotions were going through me. This is our wedding night. How will it be?

Today was the day when I'll be Adam's in truly every sense. I was excited at the thought of finally giving my complete self to Adam for it belonged only to him. At the same time I was scared as well, as this would be a completely new and foreign experience for me.

But somewhere my heart knew, that my Adam will be gentle with me. He will make me feel special and show me my place in his life.

Before I could wonder more on my situation, the door opened, and there standing right infront of me was Adam.

Adam's pov

I deeply stared at Sabrina standing in the middle of my room. A faint red colour tainted her cheeks and I realised she was blushing . Blushing at the thought of what I will do to her tonight.

Only if she knew what actually I would do to her.

Slowly and methodically I forwarded towards her.

"Hi," she lightly whispered, smiling

"Hi," I whispered back

There was a long silence after that which was spent by both of us just staring into each other's eyes.

"Scared?" I questioned

"No. I trust you. Just a little nervous"

"Do you want this?"

"Yes," she meekly responded looking at me

"Are you sure? Because once you say yes, I'm not going to stop"

"I trust you," she repeated, her words squeezing my heart.

But I ignored that ache

I moved a little ahead as I cupped her cheeks in my large hands and brought her face towards me. I looked at her for a while. She looked so innocent. No one could tell that this woman would have such ugliness in her heart.

Crouching down, I joined our lips. At first the kiss was slow, but the pace elevated and soon it was a rough and brutal make out.

I was pouring all my past feelings within this kiss. The love I had for her. The trust. The care. Everything was being poured in this one kiss.

And I needed it. I needed this for myself. I needed one last moment where I show her all the feelings I had for her. Where I pour every ounce of love I once had for her.

And I did. I did it at this moment. When I slowly parted our lips, there was no more of the old Adam left. It was now just the shell of the man. And inside the shell, there was nothing but hatred. Hatred for the girl standing in front of him. The murderer of his father.

And so I did the first action which my hateful mind suggested me. I backhanded her with all my might. And she fell on her knees.

Sabrina's pov

To say I was shocked would be an understatement. Never in a million years did I expect Adam to raise his hand on me.

At first, I didn't realise what had just happened. But the flaring agony and the metallic taste in my mouth confirmed that Adam had just backhanded me.

More than the physical pain, it was the emotional pain.

What just happened?

How could my Adam do this to me?

Suddenly, all my thoughts vanished as Adam roughly grabbed my hair and pulled me towards him.

And that was the moment when I could finally look at his eyes. This was not my Adam's eye. This was a monster's.

A whimper escaped my mouth as Adam's hold on my hair tightened.

"Adam.. What's wrong with you?" I cried out

"WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME?" he screamed on my face,"I'LL SHOW YOU WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME?"

Saying that he roughly pushed me on the bed and immediately started ripping of my dress.

I was scared. So scared. My heart broke with each of his action. I tried. Tried my best to stop him. But he over powered me and soon I was lying naked underneath him.

My eyes were aching from my constant crying. I begged him to stop. I fought him. But he didn't stop.

He slapped me again and kept slapping both my cheeks, until it was too painful to even move my lips to talk.

Soon, he left me and I lay there, naked and motionless on the bed. My eyes closed on its own and I kept on crying. Part of me was trying to convince myself that this was all a dream but part of me knew at the same time that it was not.

Suddenly, I felt Adam holding my wrists up. My eyes shot open immediately as I was scared of what he will do now. I struggled to move my wrists from his hold but he was so strong and I was so emotionally and physically drained that he won.

As I looked up with my tear stained eyes, I saw Adam tying my hands with the bed post using 2 cuffs. He did the same to my ankles.

I couldn't move an inch now. I was totally at his mercy.

What will he do to me now?!!

Brutal I know. But this is just the beginning.
Stay tuned for the next update. And show me some love by your votes and comments.

Bye for now. Love you☺❤❤

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