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Adam's pov

"I need the nurse to be present in my house by tonight. She doesn't have to worry about the pay. She will be a given a hefty amount for staying with us full time," I said to the doctor

"Okay sir. I will be sending a nurse today. And you can take Hope with you now."

Hope. My baby girl will finally be going home.

"Will...will she be okay?"

"As I said. We can't perform any surgery on her until she has become a little more stronger. So until then, all we can do is keep her under medications and hope that she is alright. The nurse will inform you if anything is out of ordinary."

I nodded at his statement.

"Sir, you have said me that her mother will not be feeding her, correct?"

I nodded again.

"Well then. You have to feed her special formula milk for prematures. That will have all the necessary medications that she needs now. And I have given you the timing in which you have to feed her. Please strictly follow that."

"I will"

"Okay then. You can now take her home"

Saying that. He took me to where Hope was kept.

As soon as I saw her, my heart warmed again. She is just four days old. But in these four days, she had become the biggest part of my life.

I gently carried her in my arm and placed her in the trolley.

Filling all the necessary forms, and taking everything needed for her, I started our journey home.

I placed her sleeping figure in the car seat, as I started driving back home.

I kept stealing glances at the back, to just look and admire her. To see what she was doing. She was so tiny, that I was always scared to hurt her.

I stopped the car to just sit and take a moment to stare at her. She was just so beautiful. Although she had my hair, most of her features matched Sabrina's. Staring at her, I couldn't help but wander off in thoughts which were filled with Sabrina. If only she hadn't done her heinous acts, we would be a family now. A happy family

Although Hope deserves the love of both parents, she doesn't deserve a mother like Sabrina. She doesn't deserve to be around a murderer.

And she won't need her. I'll give her the love of both mother and father. Just like my dad gave me.

With that thought, I started the car again and drove off with. Nagging thoughts about whether I was right or wrong kept repeating itself in my mind. Although my mind kept telling my that what I did was right , somehow my heart failed to agree.

Sabrina's pov

Empty. That's exactly how I felt at this very moment. Lifeless, desolated, vacant of any emotions except loss and pain. The constant dry feeling in my puffy red eyes made them throb painfully as my tear glands ran out of fluid.

But yet, the only thing I could do was cry.

Cry over my cruel fate. Cry over everything I had to go through. Cry because the child I carried and nurtured for nine long months in my womb, was cruelly taken away from me.

I fought. Fought alot. But my frail body couldn't stand against his mighty strong one

When Adam announced that he was going to take my child away from me, I protested. But I was just too weak from the labour to fight with him. And he used my weakness. He used my weakness to forcefully lock me in the room which once used to be Hope's nursery. The nursery I designed with so much effort but yet couldn't once bring her here. The nursery which looked nothing like it was supposed to.

Everything was taken away from me. Everything that mattered to me.

With my tearful glaze, I noticed an object in the room which wasn't present previously. Or maybe it was just something I failed to notice.

It was a speaker. Why was a speaker placed here?

Wiping my face, I limped forward towards it. There was a small sticky note attached on the surface of the speaker. It just had two words written on it. Two small words, "play it".

I furrowed my brows. At first I thought against doing what the paper said. Afterall, Adam would never have anything good planned for me.

But curiosity got the best of me, and I couldn't help but click on the button to play the speaker.

At first nothing happened. No sound left the speaker. But then I heard it. A cry. A small cry of the baby. And as soon as I heard that cry, my heart gave a giant lurch.

This was Hope's cry. This was my baby girl's cry.

At first I found myself longing to hear her voice more. Dropping to my knees, I sat beside the speaker crying my eyes out. My baby girl . I was finally hearing her voice

But as the cries elevated more, the pain in my heart did as well too.

It broke me to hear her cries, but not console her, not rock her to sleep, to not hold her. At that moment, my longing to see my daughter increased more than ever.

And that is when, the cries which once came as a blessing to me, now turned into a curse. A terrible curse.

Holding my hand to my ears, I tried to block out the noises. I didn't want to hear it anymore. I didn't want to hear any sound.

I tried my best to shut the speaker off. But for some apparent reason, it kept playing like a broken record, mocking me, taunting me for not being with my Hope.

I kept crying frantically, screaming stop over and over again.

But like always, no one paid heed to my cries. No one was there for me. No one...

I am so happy btw to see all your comments asking me to update. It shows that you enjoy reading my book and wait for me to upload chapters. I'll try my best to update quickly the next time❤❤

Hope you like the chapter💜💜

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