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Ava's pov

"Did we have a child? A daughter?"

Adam did not say anything for a while. He wasn't expecting my question which is why he looked completely startled.

"Please. I need to know."

"How did you..."

"Please Adam," I pleaded once more

"Yes," he lightly whispered

And that was all it took. A sob escaped my lips. My heart constricted in my chest as all the nightmares I had for the last 2 years replayed itself in my mind

"Where...where is she?"

I already knew the answer. But I needed to hear it from his mouth too. Because somehow I couldn't wrap myself around the fact that my child might be...

"Tell me Adam," I cried," tell me where my daughter is? Tell me why was this not the first thing you told me when you met me again? Tell me. I need to know"

A tear made its way down his cheek as I said all this. But still, he refused to open his mouth and disclose the truth he had hidden for so long.

"I beg you. I can't live like this anymore," I cried,"I need to know. And I deserve the answers from you"

"I'll...I'll take you to her."


Adam drove us both to the place that I was dreading the most. The place that I didn't want to go. The place that I refused to accept my daughter was in.

I didn't want to walk out of the car. I couldn't. I thought I was strong, but how could I ever face this

Adam walked out first and he opened my side of the door for me. Holding his hand out of me, he spoke,

"I know it's hard. But you need to face the truth."

My eyes filled with tears as I heard his words. This is what I wanted right. The truth. The painful and harsh reality of 'Sabrina'.

Placing my hand on his, I walked out of the door. And here we were. The place were so many people associate their broken heart with. The cemetery.

A painful sob escaped my lips as I looked around. Tombstones after tombstones. So many different people were lying here. People of different age. People who did not expect they would die. People who welcomed death with open arms.

And among all them was my child

I covered my mouth with my hand as I started profusely sobbing. Adam placed his hand around my shoulders as he brought my body closer to him so that I could lean to him for comfort

"Let me...let me take you to where she is"

We slowly walked to where she was buried and when I saw her grave, I fell on my knees. Am inexplicable amount of pain went through my chest. I was hurting. Hurting for the child I lost. And the fact that I forgot her for the past two years increased my pain even more

I gently grazed my hand over her name

Hope Aurora Black

Her name was beautiful. Just like her

"Hi," I lightly whispered

"It's your mom here. I am sorry for not coming to meet you any sooner."

I paused after that, trying to control my sobs

"I love you. I love you so much princess. And I just hope that wherever you are, you are happy and not alone."

Adam knelt beside me as I said that and I rested my head on his shoulder. We both stayed there for a long time, grieving together for the child we lost.


"How old was she?" I questioned. My head was still on his shoulder

"A month. She was just a month old"

More tears made their way down my cheeks as he said that. She did not get a chance to live. To see the world. And I. I did not get a chance to love her.


"She...she had a heart condition from when she was born. A surgery needed to be done. But she was too small. Too fragile for the surgery to be carried out. The doctors...they said after she was a few months old, the procedure would be carried out. But Hope...she...she couldn't survive the few months"

I didn't know what to say after I heard all this. She must've been in so much pain

"Was it...was it before you thought I was dead...or after?"

Adam did not say anything after I asked him that. It was as if it was too painful for him to talk about anything related to her


"It was the same day. The day she was gone, you were gone too. And everyone...everyone thought...you...you committed suicide"

I gasped as he said that.

Finally the truth was in front of me. This is why they thought I was dead. This is why I left home and Draco found me. So this was the truth of my life

I started crying profusely as he said that. I cried for myself. For the pain I was in that I found no outlet besides suicide. I cried for Adam. For what he went through after losing his entire family the same day. And I cried for Hope. My baby. Who did not have enough time.

"Can we...can we go?"

Adam just nodded as he stood up, pulling me along with him.

"Momma will come back to meet you," I spoke softly, watching Hope's grave

"We both love you so so much princess," Adam spoke besides me.

And with that we both left, leaving a part of our soul behind


Holding hands, we both silently walked into the house.

My thoughts were plagued with everything related to Hope. She would've been two years old. I remembered how adorable Lia was when I just met her. She would've been like her.

And if she would be here, Adam would've never lost me too

"Adam," I called him

"Yes sweetheart."

"Can you...can you stay with me tonight?"

I really needed to be their with him. I couldn't possibly be alone

"Please," I said again,"will you stay?"

He gave me a small smile as he bent down a little to kiss my forehead

"For as long as you want me to"

And he did. He stayed with me the entire night, holding me in his arms. I cried a number of times throughout the night, but he was there to comfort me and show me he cared

And although my heart was broken, I felt at peace knowing that I had him


I woke up and found myself alone in bed. I expected Adam to be beside me, but he wasn't.

I was about to leave the room to go look for him, but at that exact moment Adam walked into the room

He looked worried. But before I could ask him what was bothering him, he spoke,

"I can't do this anymore "


He wasn't letting me speak as he kept talking on and on,

"I love you. I love you so damn much. And I don't want to lose you ever. But I can't keep this from you anymore "

"Adam what are you..."

"I regret it. I regret it all. I am so sorry for everything love"

"I don't..."

"I am the reason for every pain you went through. I am the reason you tried to kill yourself "

Hey. Hope you guys liked the chapter. Vote and comment❤

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