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Adam's pov

I just finished giving my speech when I returned from the stage. I looked around but couldn't find Sabrina anywhere. Where the fuck is she?

My blood starting boiling at the thought of her going somewhere without my consent. Every men and women present here had their eyes on her. Some or the other would definitely try to make a move on her on my absence.

I had to look for her.

I was walking around looking for her. But I couldn't search for as every now and then someone came up to me, congratulating me and making small talks.

And within all of them, I found an old, familiar face.

Sharon Jenson.

I met Sharon four years back when I started college. She didn't go to college at that time. She was too young for it. But she would always come around with her mother, Carol Jensens, who was a professor there.

To be honest, I never really liked Sharon. She was okay sometimes. But most of the time she was really really annoying. She would always try to hit on me on college. I would always try to ignore her, but she never left me alone. She would try to impress me with her oh so amazing skill of mimicking voices, which would annoy me even more.

But for some reason, I was never rude with her. Probably because her features matched Sabrina's alot. When I would be in college, missing Sabrina, she would remind me of her. The only difference between them at that time was, I loved Sabrina's goofiness, while hers just annoyed me to the core.

"ADAMMM. Omg. It's been so long since I've met you. How are you?" She exclaimed in an over excited tone.

"I'm good, Sharon. What about you? How've you been?"

"Oh me. Just the usual. Nothing out of the ordinary. But I see you have accomplished quite a lot over the last couple of years"

I gently smiled, "you can say that. So what brings you here?"

"Oh. I am here with a date who apparently finds it more fitting to spend his time with someone else right now."

"Really? Who is that jerk who left such a "wonderful" girl like you alone?"

"Aha. Very funny. Your sarcasm is so great that I may even confuse you for Chandler Bing," she said rolling her eyes.

I laughed at the statement when she continued,

"Oh look. There he is. Dancing with someone instead of his own date"

My eyes travelled to the direction to which she pointed. And what I saw made my blood boil.

My hands balled into a fist as I saw Draco Martinez, my rival in the business world, dancing with my wife. He had an arm around her waist, and with the other he held her hand. They were in such a close proximity. And my blood started boiling.

How dare she dance with him?!

So this was what her motive was. Look for a tiny moment of freedom to go entice other men. I knew she wasn't a good person. But I never thought she would stoop so low to flirt with other men while being married. I'll make sure she will fucking pay for this.

I was about to march forward towards her direction but then I remembered I was not alone and I didn't want to create a scene here. And so instead I marhed towards the open bar with Sharon running behind me.

I ordered a drink and started chugging it down and ordered more and more after that.

"Hey, hey , hey. What's wrong? You look pissed af. I mean I should be the one pissed cause my date ditched me and I am. But you look more angry than me," Sharon blabbered.

Her voice seemed to just fuel my rage. I was on the verge of losing it.

"Adam," she called out while placing a hand on my shoulder.

Maybe it was the liquor intoxicating my senses, or maybe it was just my anger, that I roughly jerked her hand away from my shoulder and marched towards where Sabrina and Draco were dancing like a couple

As I was about to reach there, my eyes fixated on her face. She looked at peace and free. And my heart warmed seeing her that way. But I shaked my thoughts away when I held her forearm and jerked her away from Draco.

Immediately she fell on my chest, and I wrapped my hands around her, cocooning her in my embrace before she could protest.

Draco was about to say something to this, when I held up my hand motioning him to not open his mouth, because I was in no mood to listen his nonsense.

And then I lightly held on to her cheek motioning her face towards my direction. She was staring at me with her big, doe eyes and I could see fear emanating from them. Her eyes lost the shine it had just a couple minutes back and somewhere my heart hurt knowing I was the reason for it. But soon it was replaced with an unknown spark.

"We are going home." I spoke authoritatively

"Adam.." she was about to speak when that annoying pain in the ass Draco spoke up

"Hey Adam. Calm down. She isn't going anywhere. The party is still left. Let her enjoy."

"I don't remember asking your opinion so why don't you shut up", I spoke in a low voice but yet threatening at the same time.

He was about to speak again when Sabrina interrupted,

" He is right"

"See she agre..," I was about to say when she spoke again.

"Draco is right. I want to enjoyyy. And I want to dance. You know Draco is so funny and sweet. He made me laugh ten times. Wait no. Eleven times. Right Draco?"

"What the...Baby, let's go home. I am sure Mr.Martinez is sweet. But we were supposed to go home early right. I have something special for you, remember," I spoke calmly while threatening her with my eyes.

"Pfft. Special. Yaya I know how speciallll it will be.".

I was trying to calm my anger when I saw Draco trying his best not to laugh. That bloody

"Dracooo," she whined, "let's go danceee."

At that moment, Draco just smiled towards her and spoke,

"Sorry Sabrina. I better get going too. I totally forgot about my date."

Saying that he hugged her and my body was burning with rage. How dare he touch her. My fingers were digging into my palm as I tried my best to calm myself down. She will definitely be punished for this when we reach home.

After he finally left her, Sabrina gave him a bright smile, something which i haven't seen for ages, and then turned towards my direction. Immediately her expressions turned furious.

"Let's go," she said commandingly

"Ya baby," I spoke giving an evil smile," Let's go"

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