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Just the thought of last night had me waking up with the same goofy ass smile I fell asleep doing. Who knew a kiss could have a nigga so excited? Cause this was something different. She left me craving more.

Following the scent of bacon, I made my way down the stairs to the kitchen area. It was a whole Thanksgiving style breakfast on the table, as usual, and I ain't seen a family member in sight.

My lucky day.

It was just me, my mom, and my dad, with the staff around here mostly. But every now and then my grandparents from either side would make an appearance, or Lonzo's babymama Denise, and their daughter Zoey. If I was lucky, Gelo would come visit but usually he'd let me know ahead of time.

A few years ago, my mama had a stroke. Luckily she persevered but she still in route to recovery, which has changed her life completely. Even today, she still has trouble just walking, or forming sentences. It was a scary ass time for all of us which honestly brought the family closer than ever. And yeah, I love my family but it really ain't feel right without Lonzo here, so I tried to avoid family time at all costs.

"And so the prodigal son returns." I heard my dad's voice from behind me as I threw a piece of bacon in my mouth.

Turning around I face my dad and my mom who held on tightly to his hand as they made they way over to me.

Turning around I face my dad and my mom who held on tightly to his hand as they made they way over to me

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I was over to my mom's other side in seconds, grabbing her hand. "Morning ma." I placed a kiss on her cheek.

"Morning." she smiled squeezing my hand. I knew she wanted to say more but couldn't.

"Wassup dad," I avoided eye contact as we helped my mom sit at the table.

"Wassup dad? Wassup with you coming home at unreasonable times, with no call or text. Wassup is maybe Imma take the car keys?"

"I was back before 10. You was just sleep." I ignored his threat, knowing it was just that. My dad was full of empty threats always, unless it came to basketball.

"That's not what I asked you. I can't get a call or a text? No 'Hey dad I'm out and coming back at this time'?"

He took a seat at the table himself. I did too.

"My bad dad. I just got carried away."

"Who's the girl?"

"What girl?"

"You all flushed and shit. I know my sons." he grinned, "It's that girl you always with, what's her name, Caroline?"

"Nah we done." I told him, making my plate.

"Done?! Done why?" my mom asked.

"Tina liked Carolina. Huh hun?" My dad laughed, placing his hand on hers.

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