BBB Exclusive Q&A

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1. an item or story published or broadcast by only one source.

Whatever is shared in this chapter is between y'all and the character. It's private and don't affect the story. While y'all know the business, the other characters won't.

thank you to everyone who is active! y'all made this possible ❤️

ps this the longest chapter ever, lord have mercy.

yasmin rose palmer

"You ready for this Yas?" Author sits down face to face with Yasmin

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"You ready for this Yas?" Author sits down face to face with Yasmin.

Her eyes focus rather deeply on something behind the author's head before she focuses, realizing her surroundings.

"I guess so." her heart is breaking but she forces a smile.

Q: Did you ever get therapy for what happened at your birthday party?
A: Girl, therapy? I'm lucky if I get two hours of sleep. Lmao but nah sis but don't worry, imma be good.

Q: What would you do if you caught Jax having sex with Gabby?
A: I think I'd faint.

Q: Do you think your life is becoming to much at this point?
A: This whole year been one storm after another. But at the same time I met Melo so I can't complain. He keep me sane.

Q: Are you pregnant or will you become pregnant? What would go do if you got pregnant.
A: I'm not pregnant right now. I don't know what the future holds. I want a big family one day. But if I got pregnant now, it'd probably throw my whole life off track.

Q: How do you feel about Carolina hanging around you?
A: I was almost responsible for killing an innocent girl. Anything she needs from me, she'll get it. And I'm glad to see her growing and glowing.

Q: Are you mad at Melo for irrationally breaking up with you before he knew you were raped?
A: I was, but that's on me for tryna hide it from me. I was just tryna avoid the drama but I guess I just made it worst.

Q: Why do you and Melo break up when you get in a heated argument?
A: We both stubborn. In the heat of the moment we both just wanna be right. And when you mix that with hurt emotions, neither of us be trying to put our pride aside and fix it. But we maturing together.

Q: Are you still going to Berkeley
A: For now, no. I really wanna focus on my modeling career and I have some other things I'm working on. School just don't seem ideal right now. I never liked the whole idea of school anyway. I just never felt challenged

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