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"Girl I hope, he made you satisfied

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"Girl I hope, he made you satisfied.
Well baby I won't cry.
As long as you know that when I land you're mine"
- The Weekend



Jax stomped pass me, making his way all the way from the doors of the school to the passenger side of my car with his arms crossed.

He was upset, as I knew he would be.

I sighed, getting in the car myself. "Jax, you'll thank me one day."

"I don't wanna go to that school bruh. Why it's only white kids in there?" He stared straight ahead.

Jaxon was a bright ass kid. Too bright for the Serrano's school system. And now that I had the finances to support it, Kalin, Alicia, and I all decided to put Jaxon in a private school located on the other side of Chino. But of course I was the one who got stuck with actually breaking the news to him, and bringing him in for the orientation.

"Hey, don't talk like that. Just cause they're a different color don't mean it's nothing wrong with them."

"But what about my friends and Gabby?" Gabby was his "girlfriend". I ain't like it one bit but Kalin said it was normal and just some kid love.

"That's okay Jax, you can still see them."

"No! Gabby's gon break up with me if I leave the school."

"Then you'll find a new Gabby babe."

"I obviously don't want a new Gabby."

"I know sometimes we don't want to to do things, but it's what's good for you boo."

"You don't even know whats good for yourself and you think you can tell me." he rolled his eyes.

"I've done a pretty good job at deciding shit for not only myself but you too actually."

I ain't like the attitude he was growing into. I had to remember that this was normal for kids his age. He was 11 now. I just ain't wanna accept the fact that he wasn't baby Jax no more.

"That's why you're fucking that rapper not even two weeks after Melo right?"

I looked around to see an old white woman was staring mad hard into the car. She sent me a smile as my eyes landed on her. I returned it. I fought the urge to smack him silly. The last thing I needed was child services up in my house.

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