bro bro

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I held Yasmin like a baby as I made my way from my car into the hospital lobby.

She wouldn't wake up for shit but I wasn't tryna leave her ass drunk in the house with all them people.

Jayo and Kenya was too mixed up in themselves to even notice her. Armani was locked up in a room with two different girls and the sounds I heard from the door blew me.

Keem was there too but who the fuck was bouta leave they girl with a nigga that obviously likes her? He could fool the whole group, but I know that nigga would snatch her first chance he got. And it was something off about him I swear.

"Is she okay sir?!" the receptionist asked, as I walked in.

"Huh—oh yeah, she just sleep."

The whole ride up the elevator, I was pinching myself tryna make sure it was real life. I tried to act confident bout Zo waking up while he was out, but deep down I was so worried I wasn't gon hear his voice.

Now, not only was the boy awake, but he didn't have not one single brain injury or nothing. Just how I prayed for.

The floor was crowded with security and the camera crew. I shook my head. How the camera crew gon be up at 2 in the morning for somebody who ain't their family. It was so sick how money crazed they were. My dad included.

Keeping my head down, I avoided eye contact as I walked in. I avoided 'Ball in the Family' at all cost. Especially now since my dad let me handle my part in the show independently.

"Melo, oh my God and you brought Yasmin!" Courtney, the producer, stopped me before I could get in, "You've missed your interviews. Lemme get y'all walking in. It's the least you could do."

"Least I could— my brother just woke out a coma and you talking about a show. Move yo." I slightly pushed her to the side opening the door.

In the room was just Gelo and Denise. Zoey lied on Zo's chest, just sleeping. His eyes moved from admiring her, to me.

"Bro, bro." his voice was groggy and his face lit up with a smile.

"Here." I dropped Yasmin in Gelo arms, before leaning down to hug Zo. Group hug since it was Zoey in the middle.

"Damn, it's been too long." I forced myself to pull away.

"How long I been out anyway?"

"Bout 4 months, almost 5." Gelo answered.

"Damn," he leaned to his right to grab the water bottle.

"Chill, I got it." I was quick to grab it before he could, not wanting him to do too much.

"Nigga I'm sore, not paralyzed." he snatched the drink from my hands.

I ignored his gesture. Even if he was paralyzed, Zo would find a way to avoid people doing shit for him.

"Where dad at anyway?"

"Ion know, probably sleep. I been calling him." Gelo moved his arm from under Yasmin to check his phone.

"How the camera people got here then?"

"It was protocol for them to be the first people called. You know Courtney ass a vampire. She don't sleep." Gelo joked.

"She so sorry bro, talking bout I owe her a some shots of me and Yasmin."

"So that's the Yasmin you been goin on about huh?" Zo took her in.

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