the kids are alright

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I sat on the edge of the sidewalk watching the scene before me unfold. Kenya sobbed into Melo's chest as paramedics wrapped a lifeless Jayo in a bodybag.

I was done crying. In the moment, I was collecting myself.

A blanket was brought around my shoulders as a  familiar presence sat beside me.

It was Hakeem. Only his eyes were bloodshot. There was a new bruise forming on the side of his face. As he brought his hand up to scratch the side of his face, I took in his damaged knuckles.

"What did you do Hakeem?" I brought myself to ask.

I had listened to Kenya recite the phrase "This was Hakeem." over and over as if it were a chant. I didn't believe her. But if she had seen something I didn't, that could make the difference.

He looked away from me. He was so secretive recently. I hated it.

"Hakeem." I tried again. He shifted his attention back to me.

"I didn't do this, if that's what you think Yas."

"I know you didn't physically do this but if you had a part—"

"Fuck you Yasmin." he was offended

"I'm sorry." I apologized. I had been insensitive. He was probably hurting too. "Keem, you have to know something. You came in to get us. You knew—"

"Leave it alone Yas."

"Leave it alone? Keem, how could you be so fucking selfish." I pushed his chest. "Jayo's dead. Our fucking Jayo."

"Don't you think I fucking know that?" he exploded before letting out a hysterical laugh, "I never been selfish. Everything I did tonight, I did for you Yasmin. I made a choice. And as always I chose you. Fuck, I'll always choose. I don't know what it is bout you. " his voice was loud but lowered to almost a whisper as he reached the end.

"What the fuck does that mean Keem?" my heart ponded against my chest.

"Don't ask shit you can't handle." he knew me all too well.

"You never left the drugs alone huh?"

He didn't respond.

"You promised." I whispered.

Promises were made to be broken, I knew this. But never by Keem.

"I lied."

The memories of the night Jayo died haunted me still a week later.

I opened my eyes and my window came into view. The bits of sun shined directly through the cheap blind. Feeling a shift of movement from behind me, I turned to see Jaxon. His head lied on Melo's chest as he let out small snores. Melo, on the other hand, held arm around Jax, while he held his phone up to face in the other hand.

His attention moved from his phone to me, "Morning baby."

"Goodmorning." I let myself smile at the sight for just a moment.

Melo has been sleeping here the past few nights and Kalin didn't mind it. All of a sudden he fucked with Melo. I wondered if his mind was just still messed up
bout Jayo. I wasn't complaining though. It was nice having Melo here.

Jaxon was having nightmares so he slept with us too. Every morning I woke up to him asleep in Melo's chest.

My bed wasn't much but none of us really cared for space. I think we all just didn't wanna feel alone.

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