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"So y'all really ain't seen him since last week?" I looked in between Jayo and Kenya through the screen as I drove.

They was at school, where I shoulda been.

"I mean we talked bout three days ago. He told me he gotta get his mind right." Jayo sighed, "I think he back at his momma house."

Ever since that day we found out he was selling, he left and I ain't seen him since. He don't come school. He don't pick up my calls, or Kalin's. He picked up Jaxon's once to tell him he was good but other than that we had nothing.

I was mad in the moment but at the end of the day, Keem needed somebody.

"Kalin ain't checked over there yet?" Kenya asked.

"Ion know, all he been on is this baby recently."

I was happy for Kalin and Alicia and to be an aunt, but I deadass didn't feel it was the time. But it was just another reason Berkeley wouldn't be seeing me next fall I guess.

"Hold on, lemme call and find out. Y'all be safe." I told them before hanging up.

Dialing Kalin's number, I made sure to call him regularly. He didn't know I had checked myself out of school.

"Yas, you good?" he answered on the third ring.

"Yeah, Im fine. You checked Keem mama house?"

"No. Why you callin me in school?"

"It's lunch hour but why not? Ain't it obvious he'd be there?"

"Yasmin, I ain't chasing bro. I got my niggas looking out for him but if he don't wanna found, I can't do nothing."

"You'd find me."

He sighed, "You my priority."

"And so is he."

"He's not though, at all"

"When shit went left at least we had each other. Keem don't have nobody but us."

"He'll come back when he realize that."

"No Kay, I'm going to find him. With or without your help." teaching where I was going, I stopped the car.

"Aye I don't want you over at that crazy lady house."

"Well I'm going whenever I find the time Kalin."

"Ight damn Yasmin, I'll check. Just not right now, I'm handling sum," he finally caved. I smiled to myself. "But I mean it Yasmin, I don't wanna hear bout you over there."


"Nah, promise me."

"Whatever Kalin, I won't." I avoided saying the actual words 'I promise'. "I'll see you, class starting." I told him before hanging up. As soon as I pulled the phone from my ear, I seen a text from Melo.

melo: hey i know you at school learning and shit but i love yo smart ass, i thought id let you know❤️

I smiled as I replied before making my way passed the mailbox and up the driveway, I reached the door. Loud music was heard from the door. I knocked and was surprised when the door opened at once.

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