jesus, take the wheel

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"So Yasmin, how do you feel about Melo being away for the next three weeks?"

"....I feel like I'm gonna miss him?"

Courtney smirk faltered, as she turned to Melo. "You broke her!"

Melo realizing she was addressing him now, pulled out one of his airpods, "You said sum?"

"Never mind." she sighed, turning back to me. "Is there any specific reason you think you'll miss him?"

"Well we're always together so it's gonna be weird not seeing him."

"And how do you feel about it Melo?"

"I'm gon miss her too obviously."

"Melo due to your basketball career, you may be all over the place. Do you think this could cause a drift in your relationship?"


"There's been an obvious wedge in Zo and Denise's relationship since Zo has been in the NBA? how do you know this won't affect you two as well?"

"Cause we not them."

"Do you agree?" she turned to me.

"Yeah, we been through worse." I nodded.

"Worse than an unplanned pregnancy?" her eyebrows rose.

Melo and I turned to face eachother, both laughing. That was nothing compared to what we'd seen.

"I'll take that as a yes? Unless there's an announcement you two were hoping to make?" her hopeful eyes rested on my stomach.

"Uhh I'm not pregnant."

The hope in her eyes faded as she returned her a attention back to our faces, "Then what exactly have you two been through?"

"Well..." I ain't know what to say.

'Oh just three murders, and a rape... What about you'

"That's classified." Melo answered, reminding me of how much better he was for this than me.

"I'll come see you later ight?" Melo spoke at he pulled up in front of my house.

"Cool." I reached to open my door. He stopped me before I could.

"Yas, don't be like that." he laughed, only irritating me more.

"Goodbye Lamelo." I snaked my way out of his grasp jumping out the car. He was right behind me.

"Baby, I said I'm coming back soon." he blocked me from getting pass the front of his car, forcing my back against the wall.

I let out huff as my attempts to push against his chest failed miserably, "I just don't see why you have to go anyway."

Today was Melo's last day in Chino before he goes away to overseas for basketball. And of course, he's choosing to spend the last day with Armani, the same Armani he's literally gon be on the trip with. Yeah, I get y'all are besties for the resties and stuff but does he suck you dick like I do? Didn't think so.

"I just gotta handle some shit. But guess what?"

"What?" I stared up at him with a bored expression.

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