baby mama drama

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(blurry ass pic, my apologies 🤣)Liked by carolinaval and 101,006 others

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(blurry ass pic, my apologies 🤣)
Liked by carolinaval and 101,006 others

theshaderoom TSR STAFF : Courtney Hill @Courney_Hill94

As many of you know there has been a lot of talk about #LameloBall's recent split with long time girlfriend #CarolinaVal, after Melo shares what seems to be a new girlfriend on IG

Now, #CarolinaVal takes IG live to accuse #LameloBall of not only being the father of her unborn baby, but having attempted to force her into an abortion.

#Socialites, what's your take?

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gelo FAKE NEWS ‼️

carolinaval I hope sharing my story inspires y'all to stand your ground. A baby is not a mistake regardless of your age. Don't let someone convince you it is.
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^ armani1k ain't you just call me a monkey the other day??


With my back against my bed post and my legs positioned at my chest, I wrapped my arms around myself. My phone lied beside me as I stared at the same wall for what was now two hours. My hair was out in it's natural curly state. I didn't have it in me to do anything with it. I hadn't showered since Friday morning and today was Sunday. I covered my body in a Tupac sweat shirt and a pair of Kalin's basketball shorts. I was a mess.

Yo heart ever felt so heavy, you ain't even know what to do with yourself?

It's been two weeks since I seen Melo. Two weeks since I gave him the parts of my I couldn't get back. And I think what was hurtin me most was that I gave him that.

My momma kept it a stack with me, even after the drugs became her everything. I was 12 when she told me she knew I wasn't gon wait till marriage, and that she'd never asked me to. Instead she told me this:

"Yo virginity, just like yo heart, is yours. You decide what you wanna do with them. I pray you'll find that real love, and when you do make sure you give him both, unapologetically and shamelessly. If you see they love you, it ain't loosing your virginity or you heart, it's like sharing a piece of you. But you gotta know, choosing somebody who not gon be there forever to share either one with, is an invitation for them to steal you. Don't let them steal you babygirl."

From that day on, I was careful with boys. At 12 years old, I had nothing but a dead dad and a drugged up momma. Kalin was on the comeup in the streets and Jax was nothing but a baby. A baby I practically raised while momma was coming in at all times of the night, in no condition to handle a baby.

If I had anything to my name it was my heart, and the pride I had in the fact that no boy could run around saying they had me.

But now, Lamelo Ball could run my name through the dirt and it wasn't shit I could do bout it.

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