she done dreaming

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"Yeah mom, I loved you too." I squeezed my eyes as I released the trigger.The sound of the gun ringed in my ears. I felt blood from her head sprinkle my face, as well as my shirt.

When I looked down, I seen my mom. Or at least what was left of her. The bullet wound was prominent in her head. I moved to my knees, letting tears run freely down my face as I observed her. I didn't know what the fuck to do. I just killed someone. I just killed my mom.

"What did I just do? What did I just do?" I repeated to myself.

"Yasmin?" Melo whispered.

I ignored him, "Mom, you can wake up now."

"Baby she not gon—"

I used of my fists to bang on her chest. "Wake up!" I yelled as I did. "Wake the fuck up!"

"Shh, Yasmin." I heard Lonzo's voice as a pair of arms wrapped around me pulling me up, and into his chest. I banged against his chest instead, but he stood in place, unfazed, with his arms around me. "You're okay." he repressed until I had stopped
my beating of his chest.

"She not okay nigga. She just killed her mom." I head Gelo's voice.

"I didn't mean to." my voice cracked as I spoke.

"Nigga shut the fuck up. She good. She just in shock." Melo barked back at Gelo.

Now I wasn't only a murderer but now it was three sets of eyes that could speak to that.

Footsteps were heard coming closer. I was too
scared to look over Lonzo's shoulder and see a police. But when Zayn's voice rang I let out a breath of relief. "You didn't kill anyone. It was self defense."

"Yasmin, look at me." he spoke. I released my head from Lonzo's chest to do so. Tears still ran down my cheeks. A woman with a duffle bag stood behind him. She was short and obviously of hispanic dissent.

"Repeat after me, it was self defense." He emphasized each word.

"It was self defense." I whispered.

He smiled. "Perfect. You'll need to stop crying now. We need to get you cleaned up." he told me before looking pass me at the boys, "You guys too, Yolanda will see to that." The woman walk towards them.

He continued to speak as he pulled a damp wash cloth from pocket and began dabbing my face, "I'll take care of the body. Business as usual, understood? Nobody will ever know about this night if you guys act accordingly." When nobody respond he spoke again staring me dead in my eyes "Nod, if you understand."

I nodded slowly, still tryna process the moment.

Swiftly, his hands reached at the ends of my shirt. He pulled it over my head, leaving me in just my bra.

"Nigga what are you doing?" I heard Melo's voice. In just a few steps he was right next to where Zayn and I stood.

Zayn didn't even turn his head to address him, "Her shirt is bloody. It won't do."

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