die in your arms

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Since 8am we been lying here. But just that, not fucking. I had just gotten my period this
morning. We fucked enough last night to last a lifetime. I can't remember how many rounds, maybe five? We were drunk and in love. Who was keeping count?

Now we was just lying here, clinging on to eachother like monkeys in a tree. Melo lied on his back with his eyes closed, while I lied on top, straddling him. His hands found their way to my ass, and he rubbed and squeezed as he pleased. I used my index finger to run my finger across his jawline.

"I'm not tryna leave this bed man." Melo finally spoke after about 30 minutes of straight bliss.

Outside that hotel room door was the three Ps. Paparazzi, pressure, and problems. Could you blame either one of us for hiding away.

"Baby, I could just die here." I tilted my head up as I rested it on left side of his chest.

He smirked facing me. "Right here, in this bed huh?"

"Right here, in your arms." I corrected him.

"Damn, you must love me love." he joked, like shit wasn't obvious.

Look at what the fuck we been through. With the media of his world to the murders of mine, we been preserving left and eight. And we still had that same love for each other, never complaining.

"Shut up." I laughed pushing his head.

"Noooo." he groaned as his phone began to ring. I had left mine in Melo's car last night to avoid this exactly.

I laughed, as I tried to get out of Melo's grasp. He had wrapped his arms around my waist and he was holding on for dear life. "Boy move from me."

"Nah, don't leave me." he only held on tighter.

"It's probably Keem. He with Kairi. What if she need something."

"Then he can call her momma bro." his stubborn ass gon say.

Melo loved everything about those babies until it came to taking care of them. Thank God I got this period and trust my birth control pills would not go
untouched till further notice.

"If he call again, then go get it." he told me as the ringing stopped but almost just as soon as it stopped it began again. He let go.

"Man I'm taking you to a fucking island. Just us, and the phones getting left." he decided as I got up to search for the phone. I grabbed it from the tv stand. It was Dream.

"Dream with them?" I asked Melo about to press the answer.

"Nah if she calling, it's probably cause she caught Carolina and Keem doing something they shouldn't. He said she tempting....."

"Huh?" my eyes shot up.

"Long story... I'll tell you when you get your ass back in this bed."

"Bye Melo." I rolled my eyes before picking up the phone "Hello."

It ain't even take her talking for me to realize she was crying. "Yasmin— they, they got in an accident."

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