if the angels call your name

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There were literal tears in my eyes as I jumped into Jayo's arms.

He had just scored the winning point in the regional finals, meaning that the team would play in the state finals against Melo's team.

A state championship had been his goal since I met him.

It was loud around us, but it was just us as I looked into his eyes.

"I'm so proud of you J." I held on to both sides of his face as I kissed him.

The last kiss.

"Proud of you big dawg." Melo stole the moment.

"Thanks bro." he placed me down and pulled Melo in for a hug.

"Congrats ugly" Yasmin got her hug. "And I don't wanna hear no fighting between y'all after finals either."

"Right." I agreed. When it came to basketball, they could be best friends one second, and enemies the next.

"Congrats to you too." I turned to Rob, who stood to the side. He was on the team too.

"Thanks shawt." he smiled, almost surprised I had spoken to him.

I turned to see Jayo was distracted in another conversation.

If Jayo had heard I think the situation might have ended differently. Jayo was often jealous over things like that.

"You finna come back to Park's Diner tonight?" he stood closer to me than I would've liked.

I took a step back, "Yeah, Jayo and I will be there." I emphasized Jayo's name.

I got such a weird vibe from that boy, it was so sickening. I had never felt that way around him before.

"Bet." he winked before he made his way. "I'll see you there maybe."

Keem came from behind me as soon as he was out of sight, "What he said to you?"


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