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"I don't ask shit of you Melo. Just that you focus the game, and keep your fucking head down..." I subtly slipped my airpods on as my dad continued the same rant he always did. His eyes was on the road, so he ain't see.

The hospital was really only 10 minutes from the ball estate but somehow this man knew how to make every car ride feel like years.

Besides the fact that my life was literally crumbling beneath my feet, for the past two weeks I been big chilling. I received three college offers to add to the list. Not to mention, my team was going undefeated and we was on the right track to a state championship. I was averaging bout 47 a game. If I wasn't on the court I was either in school, in LA with Gelo, or chillin with Armani.

Everybody and they mama's had they name in my mouth since Carolina went selling lies but I kept a low profile and focused on my craft. Regardless of what people thought being Lavar's son did for me, I worked through blood and sweat for every point to my name.

Hard times either gon mold you or fold you. You choose how you gon play.

I wasn't surprised by Carolina's actions. Girls like her suck niggas dry when they don't get their way. I swear, all I wanted from her was the abortion.

Did I miss Yas?

Every second of everyday.

But at the end of the day, Yasmin was so quick to run for hills when shit went south. I made a mistake and she ain't even give me the chance to make it right. Every relationship go thru something, but it's all about persevering

First thing her stupid ass wanna do is block a nigga. And I wasn't bouta beg nobody to love me.

Realizing I was paying him absolutely no mind, my dad was quick to snatch my phone from my hand and pause the music. "So not only do I gotta fix your mess, but I gotta waste my breath bout it too?"

"I ain't ask you for nun of that honestly." I shrugged staring ahead. We was parked out the hospital.

"You ain't ask? Boy you lucky I love yo ass." he took a deep breath, "Lose the attitude, and you better be respectful to that girl when we get in there."

Rolling my eyes, I followed behind him into the building.

As soon as my dad found out, he had a paternity test set up and I ain't really know for why. I was the only one she been with and I know damn well God wasn't gon choose her to be an immaculate Mary.

But my dad was already damn near going into cardiac arrest, so I was just gon shut my mouth and go with the flow.

Carolina was against it at first, saying she was afraid it could do something the baby, so my dad had specialist flown in to take care of it. They called it "non-invasive", cause it ain't put the mom or the baby at risk. Just three days ago, we was here. They took a sample of Carolina blood and some DNA swabs from my mouth.

Today we was just here to get the results. It was an option to just get the answer online, but my dad wanted it in person with the lawyers present and shit.

We walked into the room and Carolina was already sitting their with parents. They was smiling and shit. I couldn't see what you could be smiling about with your pregnant teenage daughter beside me.

My dad's lawyer was also in here. With space in between him and the Vals, he sat with his recorder in hand.

I stood to the side as my dad greeted everyone. If the doctor could just get in here and tell us wassup, we coulda been on out merry way.

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