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"You say we both know the deal butI am scared that after this, I won't ever heal"- Mahalia

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"You say we both know the deal but
I am scared that after this, I won't ever heal"
- Mahalia


"It is truly an honor to present to you The Serrano's High Class of 2019 valedictorian, Miss Yasmin Palmer."

I held my composure as I walked up to the podium. Smiling, I hugged the principal before stepping around her to the microphone.

"Hi." I said shortly, earning laughs from the audience.

"First and for most, I'd like to congratulate not only my fellow graduates, but all the friends and family gathered to bear witness, and the staff and teachers who after 4 years are finally getting rid of us."

I let the crowd cheer and laugh before continuing, "If you were expecting the hallmark version of a valedictorian speech, I'm so sorry. The reality of my world is far from hallmark, and if you don't mind I'd like to share that with you." Pushing my paper to
the side, I looked up. I didn't need the script for this.

"In case you didn't know or in case you ever so foolishly forget, I am Yasmin Palmer. Daughter of Desmond and Loretha Palmer. Sister of Kalin and Jaxon Palmer. I was born and raised in Serranos. I took my first steps here. I spoke my first words here. I learned how to tie my shoes here. I learned how to ride my bike here. I made my first and longest friend, Kenya May Jean Joseph here. And we were only kids when I was given the privilege to watch her and Jayvion Jackson, otherwise known as Jayo, fall in love. I had my first kiss with Armani Pryce here. And I had my first heart break as I watched him kiss Becky Santana only a week later." The audience erupted into a fit of laughter. "Hakeem Williams let me cry on his shoulder for the following eight days on his bed. And since that day, he remains a shoulder for me to cry on. And if I never said it before, I'm so thankful Keem."

"When I was nine, almost ten, I held my dad's hand as he took his last breath. When I was ten, I watched my older brother, Kalin King Palmer, give up everything he ever wanted to take care of me and my brother. It was around the same time that he brought Alicia Marie Hussle into my life. She took it upon herself to take a motherly role where one was lacking. By the time I was twelve, I came home every day to watch my mom snort up what I used to think was snow. Here, is where I taught my baby brother Jax how to tie his shoes, and how to ride a bike. But here is also where I watched my baby brother cry himself to sleep at the realization that we didn't have parents anymore and that we couldn't be kids anymore."

"When I was seventeen, I met the love of my life Lamelo Lafrance Ball." I smiled as an 'I love you baby' was called out in Melo's voice, followed by a million aw's. "This came with Lavar and Tina, Zo, Gelo, Jaden, Noni, Robert, baby Zoey, Carolina and many other people who I now consider family."

"But also, when I was seventeen I lost a brother, and the world lost an earth angel. His name is Jayo. Jayvion Jackson was a gift to anyone who got to know him. I only wish he could be here today alongside us catching his dreams." My voice cracked at the end of my sentence. The crowd clapped, shouting words of encouragement as I regained myself.

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