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(made a faceclaim change on yas' character. enjoy y'all and thanks for reading 🤪)


I woke up to a constant beeping, that I immediately recognized. Opening my eyes, I found myself sprawled out across the couch that sat beside Lonzo's hospital bed.

Yesterday was Sunday, and like most Sundays, I spent my time beside Lonzo, updating him on everything going on. From the season, to Yasmin, Lonzo was my living diary.

Practice took up the first half of my day, so I ended up getting here around 5 in the afternoon. I guess I had fell asleep here which ain't really matter cause we were off of school for a teacher workday or sum like that.

"Figured you'd be here." the familiar voice caught me by surprise.

I looked up towards the door to find my older brother Liangelo smiling back at me. At 6'5", one inch shorter than me, he basically was the doorway. I knew he had to be hot in that hoodie and sweat pants he dressed in.

"Wassup bro." I made my way over to him, as I rubbed the sleep out my eyes.

"You been good?" he pulled me in for a hug when I was close enough.

"No complaints." I simply said, making my way back to my chair.

"Wassup Zo." he acknowledged Lonzo, walking over to where he lied unconscious. "Miss you bro bro."

"I got a feeling he gon wake up soon." I told him honestly.

Ever since Yasmin prayed with me I been trying it on my own something. And I ain't even being funny when I say my spirt is for real at ease. Like yeah, I still got worries, but I don't feel alone in it.

"Yeah, he stronger than this." Gelo nodded, observing him for a moment before he turned back to me, "But wassup with you boy, dad said you been acting out."

"That man so dramatic. I just been going out places, and he mad he not in the loop." I be meaning to text my dad where I'm at, but for some reason it ain't ever a priority in my mind.

For the past month, Yasmin and I been hanging out exclusively and almost everyday. We not official or nothing yet but every second I wasn't at school or playing ball we was either out or caked up on the phone. I just don't know how to ask her honestly, and low key I'm afraid she gon turn me down.

Our closest friends knew what we had going on, but besides that we kept shit private.

Being in the lime light, there was hella suspicion in the media bout me. Not to mention Carolina been running her mouth on interviews talking bout I cheated on her. Plus, somebody had recorded me punching Armani at the party, and TMZ was having a field day with it. Bad boy Melo was everywhere I looked and my dad was on my back about it too cause he felt bad press could taint my chances at getting drafted, which I guess could.

Press, press, press, press, press
Melo don't need more press

"Where you be at anyway?" he laughed.

"Ion know, out nigga." I shrugged.

"C'mon now, it's me Melo." Gelo saw through me like glass.

"I got a girl." I mumbled, with my hand over my mouth.

"You said what?"

"I got a girl," I said again a lil louder but still with my hand over my face.

"I can't hear you bro."

"I said I got a girl, nigga damn!" I rose my voice louder than I needed to.

"Heard you the first time." he smirked.

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