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"If not you, nobody

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"If not you, nobody."


I sat quietly in the passenger seat as Melo drove us back to his place.

My nerves were at an all time high. I bounced my right leg as I stared out of the window. Melo hadn't spoken since he first picked me up. Instead, he rapped along to the Lil Baby's song that circulated the car.

As we approached a red light Melo turned down the radio volume, and looked to me. "You'n gotta be nervous ma."

"I'm not nervous." I lied

"So you really gon lie in my face like that huh?" I wasn't facing him but I didn't have to see his face to know what expression it held.

Still staring out the window, I let out a sigh, "You think they're gonna like me?"

"Aye Yas, look at me." I complied, turning towards him. He sized me once before taking his lip in between his teeth, "God damn, how could somebody not love you?"

Love .. my heart swelled at his choice of word.

As he drove he used one hand to steer the wheel, while the other held onto my thigh. His thumbs rubbed circles, easing my nerves.

The dress I wore was casual. It was sleeveless but it's spaghetti straps held it up right. It's baby blue shade went well with my skin tone. It reached just to the middle of my shin and while modest, it managed to accentuate my every curve.

In Melo's words it was 'tempting', whatever that meant.

It wasn't long before we approached the 'Ball Estate'. I hadn't been here since the party and somehow it had managed to look even larger than before. No longer pact with an excessive amount of cars, five cars filled the lot. They were all still nice, and expensive I figured.

"Welcome home," Melo grinned, as the car came to a stop.

The nerves were back and I wanted to go home.

I forced a smile, "Here goes nothing."

"He goes everything." he corrected me before hopping out of the car.

I pushed my door open, hopping out as well. When I was close enough to him, Melo intertwined our hands before leading me through the door.

Upon entrance, we were met by two big ass Rottweilers. The barks that came from them sounded damn near angry and I found myself letting out a shriek as I used Melo's body as a shield.

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