Chapter 6

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(Stormfly's POV)
Oh no...there all looking at me. Dang it why did Hookfang have to say I love Fire Storm. God what do I do, I do love him but I don't want him to know just yet..what do I do, what do I do..?
Meatlug said to me as she nudged me knocking me out of my thought.
"Wha-oh ummm..."
Fire storm started getting closer to me really confused.
"What is Hookfang talking about?"
Oh no, oh no, oh no..! What do I say..?
"H-hey w-we all know that Hookfang lies and jokes around all the time...right..?"
Everyone looked towards Hookfang.
"Oh y-..."
I gave him a death stare showing my teeth meaning "don't say anything or you die"
"Ummm yeah I-I'm just joking heheh.."
Everyone started reassuring that maybe he just was. Oh thank the gods, he doesn't least not yet.
"Fire storm"
Toothless said to him as he walked closer to him.
"Look I'm sorry Toothless I...I wanted to tell you guys but I didn't know how too"
He said as his ears lowered.
"Fire storm, I forgive you"
He looked back up with his ears raised up.
"Yes, I don't believe Cryptid. Something just feels off about him. I don't trust him and I know you wouldn't hurt us"
Fire storm looked confused but happy at the same time.
"Thank you Toothless, but we still have to worry about Cryptid coming back"
Hiccup walked up to Fire storm and patted his head. Fire storm was talking in both languages still, human and dragon language.
"We'll prepare then"
Fire storm shook his head and licked Hiccup. Everyone laughed because he was covered in saliva.
"Thank you Hiccup, all of you, for you hospitality. And I will do whatever I can, to make sure all of you are safe, I promise"
Everyone started smiling one of them started telling people to go home and start preparing. It looked like another war was going to happen.
"I need to think for a bit. If you need me just yell out my name"
Fire storm said as he walked out of the Great Hall. I turned around to see Toothless looking at me in the eyes.
"When are you going to tell him Stormfly?"
"W-what tell him what...there's nothing to say at all.."
"Oh please I know you love him"
*sighs* "yeah I do"
I said as I looked down embarrassed and blushing.
"Why not go tell him then?"
"H-how am I supposed to tell him..?"
"Just walk up to him and tell him how you feel. It's the only way I'm telling you"
"Maybe I can...I don't know"
He stood there quietly, he was thinking I'm guessing.
"How about you invite him to a dinner? I can set up a place for you guys to meet?"
"Really? You mean it?!"
"Of course what are friends for huh?"
I hugged him with my wings.
"Heh no problem Stormfly"
I let him go and started to fly away thinking of how it'll go.

(Toothless POV)
Oh boy this is going to be tough. How am I going to do this. Maybe a high place like on top of a mountain or something. I walked out the great hall trying to get an idea. I decided to do the cove and set up a little place there with fish for them. I started to fly to the cove and once I landed I started to set it up.

(Fire storms POV)
I need to figure out a plan to fight against Cryptid. I saw Toothless fly towards me and he landed next to me.
"Hey man can you meet me at the cove in like 2 hours?"
"Umm sure man what for?"
"I'll tell you when you get there ok"
He said as he began to fly away. I have no idea what that was about but I might as well go. Maybe he'll help me with my idea to fight against Cryptid.

(Time skip)
I started to fly towards the cove. Wondering what it was about. I landed to see a little stump with fish on it. Strange but ok, I sat at the stump and looked around for Toothless. I heard the bushes rustling as I looked. Stormfly walked out from behind them, she looked like she was blushing.
"H-hey Fire storm"
She said as she sat on the opposite side of the stump.
"Hey Stormfly what are you doing here?"
"Umm I told Toothless to bring you here"
I tilted my head confused.
"What for though?"
She walked around the stump putting her face close to mine to where our noses touched. I blushed a little.
"I ummm...I just wanted to say that.."
Before she could finish her sentence we heard a loud noise coming from the village.
"Come on let's go check it out"
I said to Stormfly as we both started flying back to the village. The village was being attacked by....dragons? I saw Toothless get pinned by one and I flew down and knocked it off him. I realized it was Cryptid, army of him. I shot a red plasma blast at it disintegrating it. Toothless got up and flew back up to help any others. 'This is it Fire storm, today you end it once and for all' I thought to myself. All of the Cryptid clones started flying into one giant version of him.
"Fire storm! Come and face me!"
The gang walked up to me.
"This ends now"
I said as I flew up to challenge Cryptid. I growled at him as I caught myself on fire.
"It's time you faced for your crimes Fire storm!"
"And it's time for you to die!"
We both shoot a blast making them collide and cause a huge explosion knocking me back down to the ground. Cryptid was still flying in the air. The village on fire, screams of terror were everywhere. There was only one way I could end it. I can't hold it back anymore, for everyone's safety I have to do it. I roared loudly that the whole seven seas could hear me as my scales turned to black and my eyes were pure red. I flew back up to challenge Cryptid one more time.
"Be carful brother, you know what happens the last time you did this"
He said smiling evilly.
"You did this to me when we were kids, you knew you'd be the death of us, so you gave me your powers to make me stronger then any other dragon in the world, and you made me kill our parents"
He laughed. He stared at me with his black eyes.
"Finally you figure it out, makes no difference now though, our species is on the edge of extinction, because of you"
He dashed at me as dodged him and shot a plasma blast into his back. He turned around as he roared and lighting started electrocuting him. He shot the lighting towards me. Wait...did it hit? I looked at my body to see the lighting bolts coving my body as they turned red.
"No impossible?"
He sounded scared. The first time I ever heard him scared.
"You shouldn't know your demons that"
I charged a plasma blast with all the electricity in it as I shot it at him causing a huge shockwave as he was blown back into the mountain. I dashed towards him pinning him to the mountain.
"..heh..going to kill me..? Just like mom and dad..heh"
I was so ready to gut him...but no. I let him go and growled at him.
"No, I am your monster no longer. Now leave!"
I roared at him as he struggled to fly away from his wounds. Soon he was out of sight. The villagers all cheered, they put the flames out as I landed back on the ground. Everyone ran up to me as they cheered my name. I turned my scales back to red and my eyes went back to normal. Hiccup wakes up to me.
"Thank you Fire storm. You saved our village"
"Eh it's the least I could do, besides you all are like family to me"
The gang walked up to me as they started to say 'thank you, and etc'
"No problem guys trust me, and Stormfly"
She looked at me and blushed a little. I walked closer and whispered to her without anyone else hearing.
"You wanna retry that date?"
She blushed so hard, she was more red then me.
"Y-y-yes please"
I nuzzled her as flew towards the edge of the village to stare at the moon. It was over, I can live happily again with the people who care for me. If only my parents could see me now...*sigh*.
"I'll meet you guys soon"
I said quietly to myself. I turned around to see Stormfly behind me.
"Oh ummm..did you hear me?"
She nodded as she sat next to me.
"Sorry..but how's the village holding up?"
I said trying to change the subject.
"They put out the fires and are repairing the damages right now"
"That's good"
She scooted closer putting her body against mine. I wrapped my wing around her.
"What did you mean by 'see you guys soon'?"
"Oh I meant my...parents"
She looked a little sad as she rubbed her head against mine and I did the same.
"I don't want you to go"
"I promise to never leave again Stormfly, considering you'll just headbutt me again if I do heheh"
She laughed as I did too.
"Sorry about that too"
"Eh it's fine trust me"
I stared out to the ocean, light up by the moon as Stormfly layed down and fell asleep. I layed down too with my wing around her as I slowly fell asleep. 'At least my nightmare is over' I thought as I finally fell asleep.

Welp that's chapter 6 for u heh hope you liked it. And thxs to my friend Epic u should follow her instagram @ninjagoblin but hope you enjoy I'll probably keep making chapters so ttyl peeps. Peace

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