(Firestorm's POV)
We had been flying for about ten minutes now and still no sign of Fishlegs or the Scauldron.
"Where could they be?"
Hiccup was saying while looking through a telescope. I started to sniff the air to see if I could smell them. I caught a little whiff of them. I roared to get their attention and started flying towards the smell as they followed me. Then we saw Hookfang and Snotlout coming straight towards us.
"Wait where's Fishlegs?"
"He's fighting the Scauldron! Come on!"
Him and Hiccup said as I was still flying towards the smell not stopping. I soon saw the Scauldron and Fishlegs on its head. I swooped down and grabbed Fishlegs quickly and started to fly back to the others.
"What are you doing dragon?!"
He said as I ignored his ignorance, trying to fight a Scauldron on his own. Soon the others came towards me and I put Fishlegs in Hookfang.
"Sheesh a little warning next time?"
Hookfang said as I growled at him. He went silent and then I heard something. I looked around to see where it came from while the others were confused.
"Firestorm? What is it-"
Hiccup was saying when the Scauldron shot out of the water and grabbed me by my tail. I roared in pain as he dragged me into the ocean. I could hear everyone calling my name as the Scauldron took me deeper into the sea. I struggled to try and break free but I was losing breath.
"I'm not gonna hurt you. Stay calm we're almost there"
I heard someone say as I slowly blacked out.(Toothless POV)
We all yelled out as we tried to find him...but he was gone. I could notice everyone was sad and shocked..but I knew he wasn't gone so I tried to dive into the water to find him but Hiccup made me stop.
"Bud..he's gone.."
He said as he put his hand on my head. I felt a tear go down my cheek..the only one I could call..brother..and he's gone.
"L-lets go guys.."
I heard Astrid say as everyone else started to fly away. I stayed for a bit..hoping he'd come bursting out of the water..but no..he never did. We started to follow the others as we flew back to Berk. We all had our heads down and didn't say a word to one another. We finally got back to Berk as everyone in the village gathered around us.
"Where's Firestorm?"
We all looked at one another.
Hiccup said as he started walking to his house. I followed him as I could hear some people struck with sadness as we walked into the house. Hiccup sat on the stairs and I laid next to him as I put my head in his lap. He started to rub my head.
"I'm sorry bud.."
I felt another tear go down my cheek as pushed my face into his stomach. The closest dragon I could call family died in front of me. I felt anger rise up in me as I knew that the Scauldron was the one responsible for it...but I knew that it wasn't entirely his fault either. None of us could've expected that. But he's a tough dragon he couldn't be gone...could he..?(3rd Person)
It had been about a week now since Firestorm was dragged under water by the Scauldron. The gang was able to get Fishlegs back to normal and they went back to The Edge. Mage had seen them land but no sign of Firestorm. She noticed they were all sad, including Toothless.
"M-maybe we should look..right..?"
Toothless had said.
"He's gone Toothless..Firestorm is gone...there's nothing we can do.."
She heard Stormfly say as Mage burst into tears and ran to her cave. The gang went to their separate houses and mourned over the lost of Firestorm.(Firestorms POV)
I heard voices all around me. They were talking about something but it was hard to hear because of water in my ears. But I could hear someone saying "prophecy". I slowly opened my eyes to see a bunch of dragons surrounding me.
"He's waking up!"
I heard a Deadly Nadder say. I started to cough up a lot of water as I stood up slowly. A Scauldron walked up to me.
"Welcome home"
They said as he bowed his head and then the others did as well.
"Ok what is going on here?!"
"You're home"
I heard some dragon say as I turned around. It was a male only...he looked like a white version of Toothless and me?
"...another Fury?"
"Yes I'm a Light Fury"
The dragon said as I saw another along with a baby with him. I looked up and saw a bunch of glowing plants.
"Where am I?"
"Your in sanctuary from the world above. This is where all dragons were originally born"
The home of dragons..my mother always talked of some place but I never believed it.
"Why am I here then"
I said with a growl.
"Stay calm we didn't intend to harm you"
"Yeah did the Scauldron know?!"
I said with a little roar as I showed my tail that had bite marks on it. The Light Fury looked at the Scauldron.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to harm you believe me"
I turned towards the Scauldron and sighed.
"It's ok I accept your apology"
I turned back to the Light Fury.
"I have to go back, my friends need me and their probably worried to death about where I am-"
"You mean those humans riding the other dragons?"
He knew? How did he know about Hiccup and the others?
"How can you trust those humans when they kill every dragon in sight"
"No you don't understand these are good humans they are peaceful and save other dragons"
"What about that Night Fury then huh? Why is his tail the way it is?"
Oh right Toothless..
"It started before the peacefulness of the-"
"So these humans still harm us and make us be their pets"
"No no it's not like that-"
"Then why do they not let them free if their 'peaceful' huh?"
"Because they take care of them from bad humans!"
It went silent for a bit. I heard some dragons whispering to one another. The Light Fury walked closer to me.
"They don't want to make peace with us. All they do is kill"
He said as he walked away. I growled and turned away starting to walk to the top of some hill going past some dragons staring at me. I growled at them and they walked away from me. I sat at the top and saw the whole place and it had some weird mountain crystal in the middle of all it. Some home this was, if all they did was believe all humans were bad then this is no home for me. I felt some water drop on my nose as I looked up to see a exit out of here.
"Planning to escape already huh?"
I heard someone say as I looked towards the dragon who said it. It was another Light Fury but it was a female.
"And who might you be?"
I asked the female Light Fury.
"I'm Moonlight, and you are?"
I said as I looked away from her a bit and back to the exit above me.
"You know you belong here right?"
Moonlight said to me as I kept looking up.
"I had a family...up there..and you all took me away from them..I don't belong here..."
I said as I looked down trying not to cry. The Light Fury started walking closer to me but I growled at her as she stepped back a little. I eventually stopped and sighed.
"I'm sorry it's just...I lost my family already and I don't wanna lose another one..or the closest thing I have to one.."
I slowly started to cry as she walked closer and licked my cheek. I looked up at her and saw in her eyes, she knew what it felt like too.
"I lost my sister..Luna, she always imagined life up there...but one day she left and...she never came back"
She said as she sat next to me.
"I know what it's like to lose family..."
She said as she wrapped her wing around me. I wiped my tears away with my wings.
"If I help you get out...will you look for my sister please..?"
She said as I looked at her.
"I will, I promise"
As I said that she started to smile. I couldn't help but smile back.
"Thank you..so much Firestorm"
She said as she rubbed her head against mine. I did the same back at her. We stopped and looked at each other for a bit and I noticed she was blushing. I blushed back as well but turned away hoping she didn't notice.
"So how do I get out of here"
"Follow me"Well there's chapter...13 hope you like it. And Moonlight is not the Light Fury from the third Movie. And yes it's the hidden world obviously. Anyways cya guys and gals in the next chapter peace.

The New Breed (A HTTYD story)
FanfictionIt has been nearly three years, Dagur has been sent behind bars. The gang is all finding their roles back at Berk, and peace is restored once again. Little do they know of the new adventure that's was about to begin. When they meet a new dragon..one...