Chapter 12

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(Mage's POV)
I was walking to my cave when I decided to go see Fire Storm again. He's been nice to me so hey why not huh. I found him laying down and I was gonna shake him to see if he wanted to go fly around. But he looked so adorable-I MEAN UH...peaceful. So I decided to sleep next to him. He woke up though because my wing accidentally wrapped around him. I pretended to be asleep as he started shaking me.
"Mm I'm sleeping"
Then I scooted closer to him hoping he'd buy it. Luckily, he did and went back to sleep. I realized that he was...really warm and so comfy. What felt like days cuddling with him, he finally woke up and yawned.
"Mage it's time to get up"
"Mmm I don't wanna"
He started to shake me. I finally gave up and got up.
"Ok fine I'm up"
"Heh about time"
I hit him with my wing.
"Oh hush"
"Heh ok fine"
He said as he rubbed his head. I got up and stretched as he looked around in the air.
"What is it?"
"I thought the others would be back by now?"
He much have been taking about the humans riding the dragons.
"I might have to go and look for them"
"Ok I can stay and see if they come back"
I rubbed my head against his. He then took off out of sight as I sat in a tree and camouflaged myself.

(Firestorms POV)
I flew as fast as I could and looked around to see any sign of them. Sadly nothing, I decided to head to Berk and see if they were there. After about an hour I finally got to Berk. I landed at the entrance to the Great Hall. I saw some people going to the middle of the village yelling someone named Bonecrusher? I followed jumping from roof to roof of the huts. I saw Fishlegs saving people from a hut that was on fire. I jumped down from the house and saw Hiccup and the others. I started to walk towards them when all of a sudden.
"What is that beast?!"
Fishlegs said to me and I got a little mad from being called a "beast."
"Hey you know who it is Fishlegs"
"It speaks?! How?!"
I started growling because of the way he was acting towards me. Hiccup and the others got between us.
"This is Fire Storm, he's a friend"
"Hm what ever you say Hiccup"
Fishlegs and Snotlout started walking away along with the other villagers.
"Ok so what the heck is wrong with him"
I asked the others growling a little still a little mad.
"We believe he's allergic to Meatlug so Gothi hypnotized him to think he wasn't but...he turned into Thor Bonecrusher"
"Wait let me guess. Snotlout's fault?"
They shook their head 'yes' as I rolled my eyes.
"Of course it would be his fault"
I said as I rubbed my head again, something was itching on my head and it wouldn't go away. I guess the others noticed I was itching my head a lot. We decided to go to Gothi to figure out what was wrong. She started writing in the sand with her stick.
"It's some sort of irritating snack?"
Gobbler said and we all were confused. Gothi hit his head with the stick.
"Oh right I mean skin"
"It still doesn't explain how I got it"
I said as I kept scratching my head. God it wouldn't go away. I started to scratch my head on the floor trying to stop it. Toothless walked over and put a chair under my head so Gothi could get a closer look at it. She slowly rubbed my head picking at my scales. Then she started to write in the sand again.
"This is the work of a Changewing, their scales can irritate other dragons into scratching spot on them. The only cure is getting the venom of a Changewing"
I kinda got worried. If the others knew I was hanging out with a Changewing they might get mad at me.
"Must have been the encounter with the Changewings last night"
Hiccup said as I got my head off the chair.
"Um excuse us for a bit will you"
I said as I started pushing Toothless away so we could talk privately.
"What's going on?"
"Ok so um....I found something out last night"
"So um the Changewings had told me of a some sort of prophecy with me in it and..I talked to one of them about it"
Toothless looked surprised? I hope he wasn't angry or anything.
"You can speak Changewing?"
"Wait what? You guys can't understand them?"
"No, why do you think we had trouble with them last night?"
So apparently Changewings don't speak the same language as every other dragon. Strange very strange.
"But I made friends with one of them and she might be the-"
"Oooo another she huh?"
He said as he nudged me with his wing.
"Oh shut up it's not my fault every girl falls for me"
He started laughing about it. I heard someone behind us and I turned around. It was...Stormfly. Toothless didn't notice I guess.
"Oh that's funny but hey can I ask you something..?"
"Um yeah what is it"
I said as I turned trying to make it seem like I didn't notice Stormfly because she was trying to hide it looked like.
"Your really close with Stormfly so um..does she talk about me..?"
I realized Toothless was blushing. Oooo I have too.
"Oh so you love Stormfly don't you"
I said and I nudged him with my wing.
"W-what..I-is it that obvious.."
"Well your blushing right now and plus I've seen how you look at her"
He looked down embarrassed about it.
" it true..?"
We both turned around as Stormfly walked towards us. I scooted Toothless towards her and I backed up.
She started to blush too. She looked over at me. And Toothless did as well.
"Heh I'll set up a place for you two"
They both hugged me as I hugged back. After they let me go they started to walk back to their riders. Well nice for them to finally be together, I knew they would be after a while. I saw Stormfly running back towards me though. She started to rub her head against mine.
"Thank you Fire Storm"
"Heh no problem, now go back you love bird"
She smiled and took off back to Toothless. I heard someone land behind me. I turned around to see the twins and their dragon with Meatlug. Meatlug looked sad for some reason.
"What's wrong?"
"It's Fishlegs, he doesn't act the same way around her like he used too"
Barf and Belch said as they comforted Meatlug.
"He's gone too far, come on let's get the others and get him back"
Tuffnut said as I agreed and we took off to find Hiccup and Astrid. We found them in the center of the village talking with the villagers. We landed next to them as they got onto Toothless and Stormfly.
"He's going after the Scauldron, we gotta stop him"
Hiccup said as we all took off towards where they were.

Hey y'all hope you enjoy this chapter and sorry it took so long to do it but cya in the next one peace out y'all.

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