Chapter: 9

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I know I know, it's been a while ok. I kinda lost inspiration but I got it back and decided to work on this book once again. Anyways, I'm back and hope to see y'all in my next chapters, peace.

(Toothless' POV)
It's been a while since we first met Fire Storm. But sadly...Dagur escaped. Hiccup and I have rounded up the gang and are gonna try to get him back where he belongs. But we have to go outside the archipelago, Fire Storm is going with us though luckily. We start flying towards the big fog barrier between us and the, what our riders call-
"To The Great Beyond!!"
Snotlout said as he and Hookfang flew into the fog. We all followed saying "The great Beyond". A few hours into it we were all tired and the riders kept saying "great beyond"...ugh so long, even for me.
"Hey y'all it isn't that bad"
Fire Storm said as he flew around happily and tried to cheer us up.
"Great beyond..."
Tuffnut said weakly, he tried at least. The weather started picking up as we were going through a storm.
"We just gotta keep pushing gang"
Hiccup said as the storm started to go away. We did it, we finally got through the fog barrier. We all went "oooh" and "ahh" as we looked at how pretty it was.
"It's incredible!"
"Yeah it is"
Hiccup and Astrid said to one another.
"Um guys can we celebrate later? Meatlugs wings are about to fall off"
Fishlegs said as there was a loud pitched noise. Me and the others got suspicious but...we're also drawn to it.
"This way guys"
Fire Storm said as we went towards an island.
"Alright I guess this is where we're going"
Hiccup said as we followed Fire Storm and landed at the island.
"It's amazing"
Fishlegs said as we all relaxed and drank from a little pond. Fire Storm was acting..alerted. I'm not sure why, it was amazing here. Stormfly tried to get him to eat but he refused and kept keeping an eye out.
"But, it's your favorite shark?"
Stormfly said to Fire Storm.
"No not now"
He didn't even turn around to look at her. She put it down and walked away. It was getting dark so we decided to set camp here. After a while we all fell asleep, well except Fire Storm. He sat next to Stormfly, but never laid down to sleep. I finally fell asleep.

(Hiccups POV)
"You were right, there's so much out here...and it's beautiful"
"Yeah, and it's only the beginning"
I said to Astrid as we were sitting on the beach. We went to sleep after a while and I wake up to hear...nothing? I woke up Astrid, she noticed as well.
"The noise is gone?"
"And so are the dragons, all of them!"
We turned to look at Fishlegs to see them all gone. We got up and started to search for them. We all called out our individual dragons and Fire Storm. Toothless jumped out at us and tackled me down as he licked me.
"Heh hey bud there you are, where'd you go?"
He walked around us trying to talk, if only Fire Storm was here.
"He's trying to tell us something"
"Maybe it leads to the others, I'll check from the air you guys stay down here and keep looking"
I got on Toothless and we went up to see the others. We saw a Thunderdrum going for the gang and went down to rescue them. Sadly they couldn't hear me because the Thunderdrum roared, making them half deaf. We walked towards where Toothless wanted to go and found a bunch of dragons, stuck in some weird amber.
We heard Fire Storm, we ran towards him as he was stuck too.
"What happened?"
"We followed the noise and found a-"
We heard a roar and we turned around to see a big dragon. We all took cover, and it picked up a Terrible Terror and flew away.
"It lured the dragons in and traps them in the Amber"
Fishlegs said as Tuffnut was thinking of names. We suggested on Death Song.
"Get the others and hurry before it gets back"
Fire Storm said as we all started searching. We found them and tried to get them out but the Death Song came back.
"Toothless no!"
He got on a rock to fight the Death Song but he got hit by the amber. The rest of the gang did as well. I hid in time so I didn't get hit. I fell down a cliff to meet the Thunderdrum again.
"Oh hey...remember me?"
It roared at me as I held up my shield to block the noise. They carry grudges, noted. The Death Song came after us and I got onto the back of the Thunderdrum as we flew off.
"Well at least we got away from the Death Song"
I was luckily able to get its trust as we flew back to get the others.

(Fire Storms POV)
Ugh..this sucks and I'm hungry. I should've eaten that fish.
"He bailed on us, I knew he would"
Snotlout said trying to move.
"Oh shut up Snotlout, he's coming back"
I said to him and the others to hopefully give them hope. Hiccup came back on a Thunderdrum. He tried to break the amber but it was no use.
"It cools down to quickly Hiccup, ramming, bashing, or anything wont break it"
Fishlegs said. Hiccup had an idea and grabbed some Monstrous Nightmare gel. He put it on the amber that was trapping us and ignited it setting us free. The Death Song came back while Hiccup and Toothless took off. He told us to free the baby Thunderdrum, and we did. We all flew to meet Hiccup in the air. The Thunderdrums were reunited and the Death Song was trapped for now. We all left the island to find another one. There were so many, on one Hiccup and Snotlout were being chased by Boars. I had to rescue them because the others were resting their wings. I grabbed them in my talons and carried them back to the others. After a while we finally found a perfect island. Tuffnut was all paranoid about it, but we didn't bother to notice. The riders were all thinking about what the base should look like, the twins wanted a boar pit, Fishlegs a hit with a hot tub or whatever I wasn't really paying attention because Toothless was standing on his back legs and his front legs on his waist like Hiccup.
"Let's set camp for the night and then tomorrow we'll figure out what the base will look like"
Hiccup said as we set up a fire. We all laid around it, Stormfly begging me to sleep this time. I gave in and laid down. She laid next to me cuddling with me. She was a little cold so I wrapped my wing around her. I stayed up a bit though while she was asleep...or I thought she was. She bit my front leg a little to get my attention.
"Ok ok, I'll go to sleep sheesh"
I laid my head down and she put her face against mine.
"Good night"
She said as I said it back and we both fell asleep....but I felt like something was wrong, so I woke up to see Tuffnut gone.
"Uh oh, this can't be good"

Well there's another chapter, hope you guys liked it so far. And yes this is going into the tv series of "Dragons: Race to The Edge". But hopefully you guys like it anyways ttyl peace.

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