Chapter 14

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(Firestorms POV)
It had been a week apparently since the Scauldron dragged me under water. I guess I was in a coma sort of. The light fury Moonlight was gonna help me out of this place. We'd been flying towards the opposite side of the place and came upon a dark place.
"Just go through there and you'll see a hole in the ceiling, that should get you back to the world"
So close...and yet I felt like I needed to stay. I looked over at her and towards the dark place.
"Are you gonna go..?"
"Maybe I should stay..there might be some things that I need to know about me"
I said as I turned around and started flying towards the hill again. I started to pace in circles trying to think. I heard Moonlight land behind me but I kept pacing.
"Do you know someone that might be able to tell me what I am?"
I asked as she sat there thinking.
"Maybe, but I'm not sure where she could be?"
"The Bewilderbeast"
A queen? Here? Maybe she could help.
"Ok then, so how would we might find her?"
"Give me some time ok?"
"Ok I guess I'll be here I'm tired anyways"
I said as I laid down on the ground.
"Why not come to my cave? There's enough room"
"Um you sure? I am pretty big"
I said as I stood up.
"Come on follow me"
She said as she took off. I followed beside her. After a while we landed at a cave in the wall.
"Come on in"
She said as we both walked in. Not gonna lie the cave was huge.
"Why is it so big?"
"Well we Light Fury's are rare, almost like royalty"
"So y'all get special treatment I see"
I said as I sat down in the corner of the cave.
"Yeah basically"
She sat next to me. I laid down and yawned.
"Well goodnight then"
I lifted my head to see her on a flat rock. She tapped her tail on it next to her.
"Oh um you sure?"
She nodded and I got up and laid next to her.
She said as she put her head in my neck. I wrapped my wing around her. My head was killing me and I scratched it with my claws. After awhile I finally fell asleep.

(Stormflys POV)
It had been a week and we are back at the Edge. Fishlegs is back to normal and Toothless..well he's still sad over Firestorm. I don't blame him, he was like a brother to him. We finished building the houses and everything else. We all noticed Toothless' behavior and decided to talk to him. Our riders put us in our stables for the night and we took the opportunity to talk to Toothless.
"Hey Toothless, you awake?"
I asked him as he responded with a groan.
"You doing ok?"
He looked over at me with sadness in his eyes.
"Yeah I'm ok just..missing Firestorm.."
He said as he looked down. I rubbed my head against his.
"We all miss him your not alone"
"Yeah, were here for one another right guys?"
Meatlug said as the others nodded. I saw Toothless smile a little.
"Thanks guys"
"No problem bud"
Hookfang said as we all laid in our own stables. After awhile we all fell asleep.

(The next day)
I heard our riders open the door to the stables and I got up yawning. We all walked out but we didn't see our riders.
"Um..who opened the door then?"
"I did"
Someone said as a Changewing jumped down next to us from the top of the stables.
"What are you doing here? Who are you"
Barf and Belch said to the Changewing.
"I'm Mage, a friend of Firestorms"
"Oh your the Changewing he talked about"
We all looked at Toothless as he walked towards the Changewing.
"Cool well I'm Toothless, that's Stormfly, Hookfang, Barf and Belch, and Meatlug"
"Hello everyone"
We all said back to Mage. I was still confused about how we could understand her? Certain dragons couldn't understand other dragons tongue.
"Firestorm taught me how to speak to you guys but I didn't think you would be so nice"
"Yeah well we were saving the other dragons we meant no harm towards you"
I'm not sure if she knew about his...disappearance.
"Um..I'm not sure if you noticed but-"
"Yes I know he's gone..."
Ok she does know, that's good.
"So why are you here again?"
"Um..I'm here to help"
"What for?"
I saw Toothless look away a bit then back at everyone.
" don't think"
"I bet he's alive because Scauldrons let dragons breathe underwater and there's no way they are Firestorm"
"So it must of taken him somewhere instead?!"
I never thought about it. Because dragons don't usually eat other dragons. So he might be alive still.
"One problem.."
Everyone looked at me confused.
"Remember, Firestorm has that thing on his head"
"Uh oh.."
Mage said as we all looked at her.
"If he's alive, we better find him quickly or he will actually die"
"What! How?!"
"The itching is from me, if he doesn't get rid of it in time it will go into his head and...attack anyone around him then eventually killing him"
We all got wide eyed, if he was alive we have to look now. Only problem is Toothless, he can't fly without Hiccup and the riders won't let us go because they won't understand us.
"I can go look now I'll fly back when I have something to report ok?"
Mage said as she took off. We all looked at one another and for once Toothless smiled.
"We might find him"
"But we gotta make sure the riders don't notice us"
We all nodded yes as we looked around to see where they are. No where to be seen so far.
"Maybe tonight we go look"
"Yeah they'll be asleep then"
We all agreed to go tonight and we heard the riders coming. We got back in our stables.
"Morning guys"
Hiccup said as they got us out. It was settled tonight we look for Firestorm.

(Moonlights POV)
I woke up to see Firestorms wing around me. I blushed a little as I scooted closer to his body. He was so warm like a cozy fire...that explains his name now. I heard him purring quietly, aww so cute. I couldn't help but rub my head against his.
"Mm huh?"
Oops...I woke him up.
"Um..good morning?"
"Heh morning"
He said as he stood up taking his wing off me and yawned.
"Did you sleep well?"
"Mhm I did"
"That's good"
I said as I got up as well. I saw him start scratching his head.
"You ok?"
"Yeah just my head itches"
He said as he kept scratching. He started to bleed so I growled to get his attention.
"Huh what is it?"
"Stop before you hurt yourself"
I said as I licked his head wiping the blood away. I saw him blushing, I think he was at least it's hard to tell with his scales color.
"Um thanks that helped a lot actually"
"No problem"
I said as we sat there quietly looking at each other.
"Anyways is there something to eat I'm starving"
He said as I went to the corner of the cave and grabbed some fish that was under some rocks. I gave him some as he started to eat them quickly. He stopped and looked at me.
"Oh my bad um thank you"
"Heh you're welcome"
I said as I started to eat my fish. He finished his then sat down at the cave entrance. I sat next to him.
"It's nice to know not all the fury's are dead"
"What do you mean?"
I asked as he looked down. I rubbed my head against his as he did the same.
"The others are...dead"
He looked away as I saw tears dripping down his cheek.
"'s my fault, my damn brother controlled me and made me kill all the fury's.."
" he..still controlling you..?"
I said as I backed up a little.
"No, we had a fight and I won, he isn't gonna mess with me anymore"
I scooted back towards him putting my body against his. He started crying and I licked his cheek as he looked at me.
"You can't blame yourself, you weren't in control. It's your brothers fault so blame him not yourself"
He wiped his tears away with his wings.
"Yeah, I guess so"
"There you go"
I said as I rubbed my head against his and he did the same back. We did it for what felt like hours. Until I finally stopped and blushed.
"Um sorry I didn't mean to do that for so long"
"Heh it's fine"
He said as I could tell he was blushing now. I slowly go closer to him until our noses touched. I saw him smile and it made me smile. He licked my head as his cheeks got more red. Mine were burning hot.
"Heh, I don't think anyone's told you that your really cute"
"Oh hush heheh"
I said as we both chuckled. 'He may say I'm cute but god he looks amazing.' I thought as I suddenly noticed I was drooling. He chuckled and wiped it away for me.
"Heh anyways you think we should start looking for the Bewilderbeast?"
I nodded as we both walked out the cave and took off to find the Bewilderbeast.

There chapter 14 and ik nothing too extreme but hope y'all like it. Ttyl peace out have a good day.

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