Chapter 18

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(Firestorms POV)
It was beginning to turn to day as the sun reached over the horizon, I was on top of the dragon stables as I yawned and stretched. I shook a bit as I looked around and scratched behind my ear with my wing. I jumped down and walked towards the beach and sat down, staring into the ocean. I've only been gone a night basically, and yet all I think about is her. I looked back at the little village we had as I began writing in the sand. Nearly 20 minutes later, I took off back to the Hidden World. I flew as fast as I could smiling the entire way. I felt bad for leaving the others, but I left a note so hopefully they won't think I just disappeared again.

I was flying for a good hour straight as I finally saw the sinkhole and dove straight into it. I opened my wings and glided the rest of the way down as I finally landed and saw the giant mountain crystal. I looked around trying to see if she was flying around.

"Firestorm!!" I heard as I turned and got knocked over and rolled a bit.

I looked to see Moonlight smiling at me as I smiled back and we rubbed our heads together.

"I'm so glad your back!" She said with pure joy and excitement as she licked my head.

"Heh I missed u too Moonlight!" I said as I rubbed my head against hers.

We got up as we still rubbed heads together, when she stopped and smiled.

"I see your head looks better now." She said as I nodded.

"Yeah, it feels a lot better to-." I was saying when she started to sniff my leg.

" there human blood on you?" She said looking me in the eyes.

I looked down a bit as I thought it all washed off when I went into the ocean. I sighed as I looked back up to her, I knew I shouldn't lie so I just stood up tall and took a deep breath.

"After I left here yesterday, I was attacked by trappers and they captured me. I..I did what I had to do to escape, they were heading to the entrance and I knew they shouldn't know that this place exists so...I killed them all." I said as my ears lowered expecting to see a disgusted face on her.

She was shocked but she wasn't disgusted at me it seemed. She walked up to me and just rubbed her head against mine as I did the same back.

"I'm just glad your ok. You are ok, right?" She said as she looked at me.

"Yes I'm ok, I can handle myself." I said chuckling a little as she showed how much she cared about me.

"Good, or else I would've hurt you." She said as she giggled as I chuckled too, knowing that she was joking.

We put our foreheads together as we closed out eyes, enjoying the moment as we hoped it would never end. I opened my eyes a little to see her smiling at me as I smiled back as well. I licked her head as she blushed a little and giggled.

"By the way, what about your friends up there? Do they know where you are?" She said looking up to the entrance and back at me.

"Yeah, I left a note for them, hopefully they don't completely freak out." I said as I chuckled a little thinking about how the others would react.

"What's a note?" She asked as I completely forgot she hasn't left the Hidden World before.

"It doesn't matter, all that matters right now is-." I was saying when someone landed behind us.

I turned around to see the other Light Fury, the male one from yesterday. He looked at me with a straight face as he stood up straight to make me feel intimidated. I stood up tall as he noticed I was twice his size and slowly slouched a bit. He turned around as he stressed his wings.

"Welcome back." He mumbled, but I heard him as he took off and out of sight.

"What is his deal, sheesh he just hates my guts." I turned around back to Moonlight as I saw a shocked expression on her face.

I tilted my head as I was really confused. She just tackled me and rubbed her head against me like crazy as I chuckled and did the same.

"What is it?" I said chuckling as she looked at me.

"No one has ever stood up to him! He looked so scared and it was awesome, because he's kind of a jerk too." She said as she giggled.

I chuckled as I rubbed my head against hers. Suddenly, there were wings flapping around everywhere as we got up to see a flock of dragons around us. They landed as a Rumblehorn walked up to me and bowed. I hated them treating me like some king or god so I growled to make them back off. Moonlight knew I didn't like it either as she sat next to my side and growled as well. The dragons immediately left as fast as they appeared. Moonlight and I stared at each other for a bit before we fell back laughing from their reaction. We finally stopped laughing as we had to catch our breath from laughing so hard. I got up only to be knocked down again by Moonlight as she giggled and rubbed her head against mine. I finally felt loved..something I thought I'd never feel again. The others, yeah they're like a family, but I meant to be actually loved again is something else. I could feel a deep fire in me burn whenever I was with her. We both got up as we flew to her cave, before we entered I thought about the others. I looked at the entrance one more time, when Moonlight walked up to me.

"Are you sure they'll be ok? Why don't we both go up?" I turned back to her with a sigh and my ears down.

"If others find out about your existence, they might try to find this place and every dragon here will be in danger, we can't take that risk even with my friends up there." She nodded as she licked my cheek and I chuckled a bit.

'I'm sure they'll be fine, I left that note so they know I'll be gone.' I thought as we walked into the cave to get some sleep since I was tired from flying half the day to get here. We laid next to each other as I had my wing around her.

"Goodnight." We said to each other as we fell asleep.

Not a long/interesting one but I didn't have much thought on how to continue this, but hope u enjoyed it ttyl peeps peace and I'm back y'all :3

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