Chapter 20 (Season 1 Finale)

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"Toothless!!" Hiccup yelled as he ran to his bud, who laid in a pool of blood, covered in wounds and burned scales.

Tears began to fill his eyes, as his best friend, laid dead on the ground. He looked around to see the village of Berk on fire, burning to the ground. Everyone was gone, his family and friends, everything he knew and loved, taken from him. He looked up into the sky as lightning was striking, into the clouds he saw the very thing that brought the destruction. A silhouette of a dragon that looked like Toothless, stared its blood red eyes into Hiccups soul as it flew towards him with its mouth open. Then everything went black.

(Firestorms P.O.V)
I woke up and jerked up as I began to breath heavily. I looked around me to see I was in a cave, then I remembered I was in the hidden world. I looked to my left to see Moonlight next to me, still asleep thankfully. I couldn't help but be scared though, that dream....nightmare, was terrifying. Is it telling me something..? The future..?! I don't know...I looked over to Moonlight as I smiled and licked her cheek softly. I left the cave so I didn't disturb her as I sat down just outside the entrance and pondered for a while. The thing stuck in my head, was the figure in the clouds, was it me..? Or was it cryptid? I'm afraid that it might've been me in the sky...I sighed as I looked to the ground questioning every bit from the dream. I guess I sat for too long because Moonlight woke up and walked up to me.

"Firestorm? You ok?" She said as she sat next to me.

"J-just a nightmare is all, don't worry I'm ok." I said putting a fake smile on.

"It's bothering you, I can tell. Just tell me about it." She rubbed her head against me as I smiled and sighed.

"Alright, it all started back up there."

(Stormflys P.O.V)
I woke up and stood up as I stretched my legs and shook my head a bit, looking around at where I was at. I heard the doors to the stables open as I saw Astrid walking in while yawning. I got excited which meant that we would be going on a fly.

"Hey girl, ready to go?" She said as she opened the door and I ran to her rubbing my head against her.

She got on my back as we took off into the sky, going up towards the clouds. I felt the wind blow against my scales as we climbed higher and higher into the sky. It was great, as if I was one with the sky and I never felt like going back down. We dived back down the clouds and glided for a bit. Soon enough Astrid tugged a bit and I turned as we flew back to the Edge. I smelt something as I looked around to see what it was, when all of a sudden I felt my wings clamp against me. I was caught in a net, as both Astrid and I plummeted down towards the Edge.

"AHHH HELP!!" I yelled out as I couldn't move my wings at all and hoped someone heard.

When I heard the all to familiar whistling as I felt the ropes fall off me and I gained control again. I landed safely at the stables as Toothless landed next to us.

"They're here, I don't know how they found us, but their here!" Hiccup yelled as we looked out to the ocean to see dozens of ships.

It was hard to believe at first, but it also was the truth. Dagur's army was right at our front door, as arrows began to fall from the sky along with giant boulders that were shot from catapults. The other riders and dragons landed next to us as we all said nothing but looked at one another.

"What do we do against that!?" Snotlout yelled as Hiccup just stood there.

"There's nothing we really can do, except hope that reinforcements arrives." Hiccup said as we all were confused.

"He sent a terror mail to Berk. Hopefully it gets there in time." Toothless said as we all looked worried.

"So we fight then?" Astrid said, with somewhat worry in her voice.

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